Prepare for the Cold!

BRRR! There’s a little line before the temperature here in Abbot… and the forecast warns that it will go a lot lower over the next few days. The wind chill watch warns that temperatures could as low as 50 to 55 below zero. Are we ready?

Since this is our first winter with a heat pump, I researched it myself. One interesting recommendation I discovered is that you may want to run your “regular” heating system in the bitter cold to prevent it from freezing! (The temperature is colder inside the walls than inside the building.)

What about our feathered and furry friends? Earlier this week, UMaine Extension sent some cold weather tips for livestock. It’s an extensive list, including information for specific animals. And they don’t forget the farmer!

The National Weather Service is a bit more focused on people but no less thorough. There’s a chart explaining the impact of the windchill factor. If it’s -20¯ and the wind is blowing at 15 mph, frostbite can occur in as little as nine minutes! Maybe you should postpone that walk to the mailbox!

If your Grange decides to open as a warming center, send us the details (what time you’ll be open, etc.) and we’ll post the information on the website.

Keep an eye on each other. The next few days will reprove the value of community.

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