Our site

Here’s some general site information including a few simple policies and basic “how to” information.

Information posted is generally believed to be accurate, but we make no warranties. Personal information is not collected when you visit the site. The only data collected pertains to the history of your visit in general. This information is used only to assist us with web site management. If you register or provide your email address, we do not share, sell, or provide your information to others. (See our full disclaimer and privacy policy.)

Visitors are allowed to submit comments to pages and posts. Comments will not be posted until reviewed and we reserve the right to edit and delete. Please keep things positive and appropriate! There are some technical safeguards against “spam” (posts promoting products, people, and unrelated sites). The primary purpose of the site is to provide information about the grange in Maine and serve as a resource to members. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the webmaster.

The word “site” is something of a misnomer; this would more accurately be called a “blog” (short for web log). It can be seen that the fundamental structure is a log or journal of posts (most recent last) supplemented by pages that remain more static in nature.

Navigation around the site using much of the familiar “click.” We’ve risked repetition in order to make things easy to locate. You should not hesitate to try the “search” function at the top right of the page. Type in a word or two and see what you find! If you get lost, you can always click the “home” tab and start all over.

Some terms you may find helpful:

Posts are the heart of the site, found in the large window. The will vary greatly—from short items like fraternal concerns to longer articles and, in general, the most recent will be at the top.

Events are handled as posts, with a few minor differences including the fact they will not show up in the “home” section. Events which are approaching soon will appear in the sidebar… along with a link that will open a calendar allowing the user to look by date.

Pages are a bit more static and contain a higher level of information that typically doesn’t change much. Pages are also listed across the bar at the top of the page.

Categories are a bit like an indexing system. If, for example, you click the category “Membership,” you will get a display of all posts that have something to do with that category.

Tags are words or phrases used to “tag” posts and further identify what may be included. They speed searching. (Look for the tag menu in a sidebar further down the page.

Links are direct connections to other sites that may be of interest. (These links are also grouped by categories to help you find things.) Note that these sites are not managed by the Maine State Grange.  Our general policy is to include sites of organizations and resources that will have some direct or indirect connection to the Grange and our programs. If you know others that should be included, please send the information to the webmaster. Also, report any broken links that do not work. And please encourage other sites to “link back” to ours.

Archives is a section that allows you to review all of the posts for a given month. This is similar to the categories function, but date based.

9 thoughts on “Our site”

  1. Hi Walter,
    Is there any type of discussion forum or classified ad, on the grange site? Myself and one or two others in our grange are looking for some beef critters to raise for the summer, was hoping there was a way to see if a fellow Granger had any they would be willing to sell or barter to us.
    South Sangerville Grange

    1. Brac,

      Thanks for your questions and support of the site! When we first set up the site, the consensus was that we’d focus on news and communication. Part of the reason for that is “limited resources.” The daily maintenance and posting of the site is all done on a volunteer basis. Just keeping up with the news and events can be a challenge.

      One suggestion I might make is to check with the County Extension Office (in Piscataquis County 564-3302). I seem to recall there is some mechanism for Maine Farmers to connect with each other for bartering, selling, and buying but can’t remember the specifics.

      I might also point out that the National Grange Website has a member’s side with a social media function–you might try that! (There’s more information in the May 2012 Webmaster’s Report.)

  2. I am a grange member in St George. I am trying to find out how many granges are still active in Maine. In one place it says there are still 180 active granges. Is this accurate? Where can I see a list of all active granges? Thank you very much. Barbara Anderson. 975-5967

    1. Thanks for using the website… the last number I recall hearing was at State Convention and I believe at that time there were 107 chartered Granges in Maine. Granges are listed annually in a published roster, due out in February. A copy is mailed to the secretary of each Grange.

  3. Arbutus Grange#450 in surry has a new Facebook page and I was wondering how to get this out to all Grange so they can join our events and posts
    Thanks tom…

    1. Thanks, Tom… I’ve listed the Arbutus Grange Facebook Page in the links section and included an announcement in a communication short!

  4. Hello, im interested in producing a concert series throughout the halls in Maine. Let me know if you are interested and would want to hear more about idea. Marc Chillemi

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