Grange-related Videos

Here we are listing links to videos or films related to the Grange with a focus on Granges in Maine. Thanks to Rolf Staples for our first contribution and creating the idea! Note that videos may be “dated” (that can be part of the fun!) and links will sometimes disappear or stop working. Any help you can give us in adding to and keeping this page accurate is appreciated!

Our first video was recorded at Houlton Grange by MPBN as part of their Program. Maine Experience: Voices of the Grange.

Produced in 2016, the National Grange PBS Commercial aired around the country as a way of introducing the Grange to those who might not be familiar.

What Valley Grange Does is the video version of a PowerPoint Presentation explaining, well, what Valley Grange in Guilford Maine does!

Rooted: Cultivating Community in the Vermont Grange is a one-hour historical documentary produced by Historic New England and the Vermont Folklife Center.