President’s Perspective – May 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

WELCOME to our 37 new members who received their degrees at last month’s Degree Days. The first held at North Scarborough Grange conferring all four degrees on ten candidates from North Scarborough, Deering, St. George, Hollis and White Rock. Thank you, officers from Cumberland and Androscoggin Pomonas for filling the chairs, nice job everyone. Thank you, Yvonne Johnson for putting things together. The second held on Maine State Grange’s 150th Anniversary April 21 at the State Grange Home in Augusta. Candidates were from Danville Junction, Excelsior, Mill Stream, Farmington, Androscoggin, Cambridge Valley, St. George, Victor, and Merriconeag. Thank you to the officers from Androscoggin and Cumberland Pomonas for taking the office parts, super job everyone. Thank you to Maynard Chapman, Chief Deputy for getting things organized. Thank you to the folks who attended the two meetings just to view the Degrees.

Reminder dates:
June 1, 2024 Maine State Grange Yard Sale at Manchester Grange
June 21 -23, 2024 North East Lecturers Conference hosted in Norwich, Connecticut

RESOLUTIONS are due to the State Grange office by August 15 — email or standard mail. 

MAINE STATE GRANGE ANNUAL SESSION dates set for October 18 and 19 at the Auburn Masonic Lodge in Auburn.  Details coming out soon.

PROCEDURE FOR ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Maine still uses paper ballots for each officer and should be held in June. The committees are named by the elected Master ASAP after elections.

  1. The Master will appoint tellers to count the ballots.
  2. Master will say:  “The Chair awaits presentations of names for the office of…..”  and will repeat the name presented and ask, “Are there any others?,” asking a total of three times, repeating the list of names for that office each time. A person may decline or withdraw their name for the office, if they wish to, at the time their name is presented and does not have to give a reason for declining.
  3. The Master will repeat the names and say “You will prepare your ballots for the office of ….” After a brief pause, the Master will instruct the Assistants to collect the ballots and may excuse the Assistants from carrying their staves. You do not have to ballot if you do not wish to.  If you want to cast your ballot, but do not want to vote for one of those names presented or any other name,  you must write the word “Blank” on the ballot to be counted in the total.
  4. After the Assistants have collected the ballots, the Master will declare the ballot closed. The ballot is then given to the tellers and the Assistants return to their seats.
  5. The tellers will count the ballots and make the report to the Master. 
  6. The final choice is announced by the Master, “By your ballot, you have elected ___________ to the office of ____________.” and the results are recorded. Once a majority has been reached,  the Master will  ask the person “Brother or Sister ____________, do you accept the office of ______________.   If they decline or if there is no majority of the ballots cast, the Master will say, “Since we have no majority, you will prepare your ballot for the office of _____________,” repeating all names listed. You will proceed to ballot once again on the same office until a majority is reached.  The ballots are then thrown away after the result is given by the Master.  The same procedure is followed for each office.
  7. Upon completion of the election, the tellers are excused with thanks.  
  8. After the election of the Subordinate or Pomona Grange, the Secretary will provide Roster info for the meeting day and time, the Grange address, and name, address, phone & email for the Master, Lecturer, Secretary & CWA Chairman to the State Grange as soon as possible.      

President’s Perspective – April 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

Richard asked me to say “thank you” for the cards, calls, prayers and words of encouragement after his recent colon surgery. He is mending well, getting about more and more and eating whatever takes his fancy  and appreciates your support.

State of Maine Corporation Fillings: The State Grange office has been printing and sending the annual corporation forms for your Granges. Granges are required by law to be incorporated. These forms are to be made out and returned with the $35 filing fee to the Secretary of State, which is a State of Maine Government Agency. Please be sure to send the form and fee together to the proper address.

Reading and Adopting Minutes: Records from the meeting are required to be read aloud at least one time during the meeting which must be open in full form to adopt them. The previous minutes are to be read as the third order of business and may be adopted at that time or read for reference. The records may be read and adopted at the end of the current meeting, just before closing, but must be read and adopted during the business of the Grange one place or the other in the order of business. You may read both previous and current during the order of business where prescribed.

Election of Officers:  Full elections are required in each Grange and yes, we use paper ballots for each officer.  After election the reelected or newly elected Master will appoint and give the names of the committee chairmen to the Secretary asap after election, so the Subordinate or Pomona Secretary can provide the info to the office. I have included written procedure to follow for election. 

Resolutions:  These are due by Aug 15 to the Maine State Grange office by email or standard mail. Resolutions must have a title on the resolution provided by the Grange presenting them; we cannot give it a title, and the entire resolution must be written out in full. If you use initials in your resolution, the words must also be written out.  The resolution must be voted on & supported by the Grange to be submitted to the State Grange.

Spring in Maine, even with the surprises Mother Nature throws our way,  its nice to see the green shoots of the jonquils, daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths, the variety of colors in the crocus beds and patches of green grass showing up here and there, even though those little shoots may still be shivering during the chilly nights, and buried under more than a foot of snow, the sun is warming them more and more. With spring comes reopening. Spring is also clean-up time outside and inside for our own yards, but this should also include our Grange halls.  Get the gravel raked off the lawns, pick up the branches and trash lying around, clip the grass and bushes around the steps and foundation, get the tattered plastic off the windows, and maybe even wash the reachable ones.  In another month, get some new plants in the window boxes and garden.  Repaint your sign, the steps, railings, and even the door.  We all need an occasional facelift, and get ready to provide a welcoming place for your neighbors to come and trade seeds, and starter plants, and get gardening advice.

President’s Perspective – March 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

HAPPY 150TH ANNIVERSARY.Six months after the first Subordinate Grange was organized in Maine, twenty men met in Lewiston at the GAR Hall on April 21, 1874, to found the Maine State Grange. Seventeen of the twenty were Masters of Subordinate Granges in Maine; one was a Subordinate Secretary. Also present was the Master of the New Hampshire State Grange, Dudley T. Chase, and a General Deputy of the National Grange, O.D. Hinkley.  Nelson Ham of Lewiston was elected State Master at this session.

In December 1874, the State Grange met for its first Annual Session in Lewiston. By this time, the organization had grown from 18 to 64 Granges with about 2000 members.”

(Excerpt From A Fair Field And No FavorA Concise History of the Maine State Grange by Stanley Howe)

The first Grange in Maine, Eastern Star #1 in Hampden, was organized October 20, 1873. Six of those 18 early organized Granges are still continuing their positive impact in their communities. 

  • Excelsior #5 in Poland organized 3/5/1874
  • Androscoggin #8 in Greene organized 3/24/1874
  • Harraseeket #9 in Freeport organized 3/24/1874
  • North Jay #10 in North Jay organized 3/27/1874
  • Farmington #11 (N. Farmington) in West Farmington organized 4/3/1874
  • Somerset #18 in Norridgewock organized 4/20/1874

HAPPY 150TH ANNIVERSARY to each of you, we wish you continued success.

The following Degree Days have been set up, and they will be conferring all 4 Degrees on the same day. (The word Degree refers to a level of the Grange, the first Four Degrees brings you into Subordinate or Community membership.)  Degree Days are open to all candidates who must have been voted into membership in a Subordinate Grange to receive the degrees. Please bring the application for membership with you.  If you have already received the Obligation Ceremony or the Welcome Ceremony, you are welcome to come and view these instructive beautiful degrees, or any current members are eligible to attend. Current members will be required to provide the annual password that you are entitled to receive from your Subordinate Master if your dues are up to date.

  • April 14 at North Scarboro Grange; 74 County Rd., Scarborough. Contact Mike Griffin, Master, for information and to let him know how many will be coming. Meeting starting at 1:00pm.
  • April 21 at State Grange HQ, 146 State Street, Augusta. Contact Maynard Chapman, Chief Deputy, for information and to let him know how many will be coming.  Meeting starting at 1:00pm.

While on the subject of membership eligibility. As the prospective candidate/member, you must submit an application with a fee to a Subordinate Grange, the application must be voted on by the membership in a regular meeting with a quorum present, then you must receive the conferral of the 4 Degrees, the Obligation Ceremony or the Welcome Ceremony to become a member.  Only then are you entitled to vote on issues, elections or business in that Grange. You are able to visit a Grange meeting, but to have a vote in the business you must become a member by one of the prescribed methods above found in the Grange Manual.  Maine uses the ballot box with balls and cubes for membership applications.

President’s Perspective – February 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

The password ciphers were sent to the Grange Secretaries when the December Quarterly Report Forms were mailed. The keys to the password will only be mailed to the master’s when all dues are paid up to date, including the December 2023 Quarter. If you have not received your key, check with your secretary or our office to confirm your dues are paid in full. Sharon did tell me recently that not all dues are up to date. 

I must remind everyone of your Obligation to the Grange you took when you joined. It states in part, “ I will not knowingly wrong or defraud a brother or sister of the Order or allow it to be done by another if within my power to prevent it. I will endeavor to be a true and faithful Patron of Husbandry… Should I knowingly or willfully violate this pledge, I will invoke upon myself suspension or expulsion from the Order.”  I have had several calls from members in different areas to complain about the use of profanity during meetings and public events. There is no place in the Grange for the use of foul language, no matter what you feel the circumstances are. Whether in a meeting or around the kitchen, whether guests, new members, or non-members are present or not, it is not acceptable behavior. Maybe you normally talk that way; you feel it is just words, but it is offensive to others.  If you feel the need to talk like that, I would suggest you go to the bar or sporting event where you will fit right in. But even those places have rules and limits, and even those places where that talk is common, you would be asked to leave! I am sorry if you are offended by this message, but it needed to be said. Sadly, those who do the cursing won’t be the ones to acknowledge.    

After four years off, the Northeast Leaders Conference held in January was a big success, with 87 enthusiastic members attending. Introductions by State Masters/Presidents of those attending from their respective states. Maine was represented by Mike Griffin, MSG Overseer; Missy Baldwin, MSG Lecturer; Brenda Dyer, MSG Community Service & Family Health & Hearing Director; Brenda’s husband, Joe Fallo; and me. The Northeast State Masters/Presidents & Overseers/Vice Presidents (the Northeast Connection group) and New England Grange Building Trustees. Everyone attending could sit in on whichever meeting or break-out group they chose. 

The State Lecturers made plans for the Northeast Lecturers Conference, to be held June 21 – 23 at the Holiday Inn in Norwich, CT. This event is for all, not just Lecturers. Let’s support our State Lecturers and plan to attend. Details will be forthcoming.

The State Youth Directors started their plans for the NE Youth Conference hosted in NY July 19 – 21. I will share details when available.

 The NE Chaplains group decided to return to the Regional Church Sunday, similar to the ones in the past. This year, it will be held on July 27 at the VT Grange Camp, with family activities, games, and a potluck lunch. All are invited. Plans will be finalized soon.

The State Junior Directors and interested members met to discuss the craft for display at the Big-E in Sept at the New England Grange Building. The Junior craft for 2024 will be Crayola Model Magic.  The craft for 2025 will be Egg Carton Craft.

The Community Service, Family Activities, Women’s Activities, and others met as a large group, having good discussions on activities for their states and ideas all could try. Agriculture, Membership, Information/IT, and others also met during the weekend.

As the weekend progressed, interesting and helpful workshops were presented to the entire group: Harnessing AI to Our Advantage, Promoting the Grange in all Media, Leadership and Conflict Resolution, and Grant Writing.

President’s Perspective – January 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

The following 36 Granges have provided their updated membership list to us; thank you very much!  Ammadamast, Arbutus, Bangor, Bauneg Beg, Chelsea, Community, Dirigo, Fairview, Golden Harvest, Hudson, Jonesboro, Knox Station, Lakeside, Maple Grove, Merriconeag, Mt. Etna, Mystic Valley, North Jay, North Scarboro, Oak Hill, Ocean View, Old Town Riverside, Parkman, Perry, Pleasant River, Saco, Seaside, South Sangerville, St. George, Topsham, Tranquility, Valley, Wayside, White Rock, Willow and Winthrop. Where are the rest of you?

There are several Organizations in the State that give out Grants for a variety of reasons to deserving requests, including for building repairs and upgrades. Grant funds or donations may be made by check through the Maine Grange Foundation, Inc., on behalf of a Subordinate (Community), Pomona (County), or State Grange. When a Grange is applying for a Grant for funds, regardless of the group or individual you are applying to, the applying Grange must fill in your portion of the application request as best you can. Provide your Grange Name and Number, your contact info, and as much detailed information as possible as requested on the application. Be sure to include your contact person, your board members, your EIN number, and your signatures, and be observant of any special requirements, deadlines, or submission dates on the application.  Contact the provider directly if you have questions.

The State Grange Secretary will provide the applying Grange with the needed documents and information requested (to the best of our knowledge) on the application needed to move the request forward. After the Maine Grange Foundation, Inc. portion of the grant application is completed, it will be sent or emailed back to the applying Grange to complete, and you must submit it to the funding/grant group or individual. 

The grant/donation check will be deposited and held until it clears in the Maine Grange Foundation, Inc. account, noting the Grange Name and Number it belongs to and the amount. A receipt and tax deductible form from the Maine Grange Foundation, Inc. will be returned to the contributor; please provide their information and address.  After the donation or grant check clears, the donation will be withdrawn by bank check (the only persons allowed to access the Foundation account are designated officers and legal signers) and sent to the Secretary of the appropriate Grange. If multiple donations are made, they may be held in the account and sent as one large sum, or each one sent to the Grange. Please let us know your preference in writing

Have a very safe and uneventful winter, everyone.  Remember your neighbors who may need a hand.

President’s Perspective – December 2023

Portrait of Sherry Harriman

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

A quick reminder:  Deputy School, scheduled for Dec 2 has been canceled. Your packets of information will be put in the mail next week. Thank you for your understanding.

We had 20 Grangers from Maine attend the National Grange Convention in Niagara Falls, NY, the week of Nov. 12th. It was a very busy seven days for all who attended. There were close to 600 Grangers registered, the most in recent years.  25 candidates received the 6th degree, and 150 took their 7th degree, again the largest class of candidates for quite some time.  The Northeast Region hosting the convention did a tremendous job planning and carrying out the conference and activities. Debbie Ivers was Maine’s host coordinator. Thank you, and congratulations on a job well done.

Richard could not attend the convention due to a health issue just before we planned to leave.  Since Maine is allowed two voting delegates, I asked Pete Ivers to fill in as delegate with no advance instructions or information on what is involved.  Pete did an exceptional job being fully involved in the Grange work and participated in committee work, discussions, the resolution process on the floor, full elections, and all activities that were part of the session. I was very proud of his involvement. Congratulations, and thank you very much, Pete. There were a total of 134 resolutions presented for consideration by the seven committees of the delegate body. Pete was assigned to Labor, Judiciary, and Transportation, and I was assigned to the Citizenship and Taxation committee. 

Workshops were presented on a variety of subjects, and new programs/partnerships were introduced. The National Grange is requesting e-mail addresses from the membership to provide program information to all. Please sign up for National Grange posts and newsletters. Full elections were held, with Chris Hamp (WA) being elected as the new President and John Benedict (NJ) as the newly elected Vice-President.  Several other new officers were elected, and several remained the same. The full list was posted on the web. Thousands of socks were collected for a local mission as part of the regional community service project. 

Jim Meserve was honored by the “Quilts of Valor,” receiving a beautiful quilt during the presentation ceremony. 

Roberta, Rick, Jimmy, Judy, Tracy, and Bill helped out in the hospitality room and cleaned up at the end of the week.  Thank all of you for being there. Sharon and Henry ran the National Grange store during the session, selling Grange jewelry, Grange socks, etc.. Great job.

Terry LaCombe Stevens and Betty Young, Co- co-junior directors, drove out bringing Carrie Coffin, Nicole Nickerson, and 5 Junior Grangers with them: Edith, Mary, John, Laura, and Sebastian, to participate in the Junior program and activities. It was great to have you there.

It was very exciting sitting in the audience and hearing a Grange or member from Maine having their name called to receive one of the many awards presented. Congratulations everyone. Items will be mailed to you.  Maine received the following recognition awards:

Photography:   Rebekah Hodgson, Jonesboro – 1st in “Grange Family”
Photography:  Laurie McBurnie, Willow – 2nd in “Potluck Activity”
            (each received a ribbon and a package of winning photo postcards)
Communications:  National Grange Connector Award: Rebekah Hodgson, Jonesboro
Membership & Leadership Awards:

Honor Subordinate/ Community Granges for Net Gains:

  • Huntoon Hill #398  plus (20)
  • Pleasant River #492 plus (12)
  • Harraseeket #9 plus (10)
  • Jonesboro #357 plus (10)
  • Union Harvest #591 plus (9)
  • Saco #53  plus (8)
  • Trenton #550 plus (6)
  • Wayside #550 plus (5)
  • Lamoine #264 plus (3)
  • Old Town Riverside #273 plus (3)
  • Granite #192 plus (2)
  • Hudson #456 plus (2)
  • Paugus #450 plus (2)
  • Farmington #12 plus (1)
  • Golden Harvest #33 plus (1)
  • Lakeside #63 plus (1)
  • Oak Hill #104 plus (1)
  • Pioneer #219 plus (1)

Richard and I wish to send you, your families & friends a most wonderful Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.  Take care of yourselves; we care about all of you.   

President’s Perspective – November 2023

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

Deputy School will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023, from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Instruction for Ritualistic Floor Work at State Grange HQ, 146 State St., Augusta. (weather permitting) Call Sherry’s cell if there is any question.

We will cover:

  • Opening & Closing (Opening the Bible, Presenting the Flag, Introducing Honored Guests, and Draping the Charter)
  • How to properly make the Salutation
  • Review the report form
  • Go over Officer, Deputy, and Director duties

 Once again, I am offering to hold instruction meetings around the State starting in the spring, please invite me to your area or Grange, I would prefer a Saturday meeting during the day but could accommodate an evening if requested.  Everyone is invited to attend.

State Grange was a wonderful success once again. Election of Officers was held, thank you for your confidence in re-electing me to Master/President. Other officers elected: Mike Griffin, Overseer; Missy Baldwin, Lecturer; Ben Edgerly, Steward; Rick Grotton, AS; Roberta Meserve, LAS; Christine Hebert, Chaplain; Laurie McBurnie, Treasurer; Sharon Morton, Secretary; Pete Ivers, GK; Betty Huff, Ceres; Kathy Gown, Pomona; Debbie Ivers, Flora and Jim Meserve, EC. Thank you to the tellers for helping with election and the Master’s Address committee.

A sincere thank you to our retiring officers Margaret Morse, Lecturer; Steven Haycock, Steward; Clay Collins, Chaplain; and Vicki Huff, Treasurer; we appreciate your dedication to the Grange and wish each of you much success.

Thank you to the 69 Delegates and 30+ Members who attended. A lot of awards & certificates were presented, the Juniors participated, a heartfelt Memorial Service was held, our National Grange Rep Cindy Greer gave us some inspirational words of wisdom, and a wonderful banquet and luncheon was enjoyed. Welcome to our nine new State Grange members who received the 6th degree. I would like to hear from you what you thought of the schedule. I like the facilities and most likely will return there again. There is a lot less work to do to set up for the meeting, degree, and sales room, plus you can’t beat the price, it is excellent. I am open to other options.

A BIG thank-you to ALL who stepped up to fill in or help out in any way, it was once again a great show of teamwork and helped make a very successful session. Officers, Deputies, Department Directors, and Committees, thank you for your continued work during the past years. Several of our Deputies, Directors, and Committee members have changed and I am looking forward to working together with each of you. I have included the list here.*

The new roster will be sent to the printer at the end of next week. I have heard from about 2/3 of the Granges.

You may download the new program books and annual reports from the web under “Program Books and Information,” or if you want a printed copy, email the office or me and we will send them to you. You may request all or just select ones. Agriculture, Community Service & Family, Health and Hearing, Communications/Web, CWA, Junior and Lecturers. Agricultural Scholarship, Educational Aid & Howes Nurses Scholarship requirements and applications can also be found on the website or requested from the office.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Hug your family and friends. Help someone today.

*Note: The Communications Department is developing a one-page ODD directory based on this information. A copy will be mailed with the Bulletin. A copy will also be available for download and printing from the MSG Website.

President’s Perspective – October 2023

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

I want to say a huge THANK-YOU to the Secretaries who have already made the corrections and updates and returned their lists to me for the new database. 

In addition to updating the instructional guidelines, roster, state session & budget and other items I work on, I have worked on getting a new database completed. I typed in all the information for our 82 Granges, 2,359  names, addresses, and other information into a more user-friendly format that can be accessed without the internet. The basic information has been compiled, and copies sent to the Grange Secretaries for corrections, additions, and deletions. Yes, I can hear the grumbles but it needed to be done. if I am spending this much time putting it back together from older versions provided by the State Secretary, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Each of you, as an individual member can help by checking your information, is your name spelled correctly, is your address up to date, if not, then please correct whatever may be required.  I am most interested in the date you joined the Grange, and the Granges you have belonged to, many of the dates or previous membership in a different Grange (because of closure or consolidation) are not listed. Some are listed as Golden Sheaf members (50 years of continuous membership) but do not list the date of joining or where. Most Granges exempt all Golden Sheaf (50-year) members from paying dues to their respective Granges and the Maine State Grange does not charge dues on any Golden Sheaf members but the Maine State Grange must still pay dues to National on them.  Golden Sheaf membership attained before Jan 1, 2001, the Maine State Grange does not pay dues to National Grange on those members. Golden Sheaf membership attained after Jan 1, 2001, the Maine State Grange must pay dues to National Grange on those members. 

September and October is the time of new Grange year beginnings with installations, setting goals and making plans for the coming year. This is the time of year for year end wrap-ups such as your annual audit, reports to be submitted and evaluate your goals, what was successful and what was lacking. There are very few Installations Teams or Installing Officers traveling, so I encourage each Grange to do their own Installation. There is an Alternative Installation Ceremony (half the words) in the new Manual which can be read with one or two people in charge and working with the members present.

Congratulations to all the Officers and members, I wish you much success for the coming year. 

President’s Perspective – September 2023

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

Wow, State Grange is a month and a half away, October 20 and 21. Our National Representatives will be Cindy Greer, Ceres of the National Grange, and Harry Greer, Overseer/VP of the Colorado State Grange, both long-time Grange members and are looking forward to being with us again.  Information about our guests can be found on our website under State Session, along with other session information such as schedule and meal registration form.

Meal tickets are to be purchased in advance; form and money are due by Oct. 5. Remember, if your Subordinate and/or Pomona Grange plans to or wants to have two voting delegates at State Session:

  1. Your Grange MUST vote by name on the people to be delegates and alternates at a regular meeting prior to the session. Two delegates and two alternates are to be selected.
  2. Delegates must be members or affiliate members of your Grange. You may only represent the Subordinate or Pomona Grange, where you are a member. 
  3. You may represent your Subordinate and Pomona Grange and have one vote for each.
  4. You may NOT represent 2 Subordinates or Pomonas.
  5. Register that person or persons using the Delegate form provided to your secretary.
  6. The form must be signed by the Master or Secretary of the Grange.
  7. Your Grange’s quarterly dues must be paid up to date or brought with you to registration to be eligible to vote.
  8. You can’t just show up expecting to vote on the resolutions, elections, or any other business without the proper paperwork being submitted. NO exceptions.
  9. Anyone may attend the session just are not allowed to vote but may participate in discussions. You may pick up your program books for your Grange if there is not a delegate.
  10. This is a full election year. Anyone may be elected to any State Grange office, you do not have to be a delegate to be elected.  However, only a delegate may present names for consideration. (You must become a Fifth and Sixth Degree member if not already a member in those levels.) 

Another reminder or nag: a few more than half of you have provided your 2024 Roster information.  Even if there were no changes, a report or email needs to be sent. During the order of business, the Master asks, “Have the reports to the Pomona and State Granges been duly and promptly made?” This includes this and any request for information. If you are changing the time or day you meet, this needs to be voted on in a regular Grange meeting and approved by the State Master before it can officially take effect! 

In addition to the Roster, State Session and budget and other items I work on, I am working on getting a new database completed. I am typing in all the information for our 82 Granges, 2,359  names, addresses and other information into a more user friendly format that can be accessed without internet. When I get the information compiled, I will be sending copies to the Grange Secretaries for corrections, additions and deletions. Yes, I can hear the grumbles already, but it needs to be done, if I am spending this much time putting it back together from older versions provided by the State Secretary, then your assistance is greatly appreciated. Each of you, as an individual member, can help by checking your information, is your name spelled correctly, is your address up to date then please correct whatever may be required. I am most interested in the date you joined the Grange, many of the dates are not listed. Some are listed as Golden Sheaf members (50 years of continuous membership) but do not list the date of joining only “Y” or “YN” in the GS (Golden Sheaf) column. “Y” indicates Golden Sheaf membership before Jan 1, 2001 and the Maine State Grange does not pay dues to National Grange on those members. “YN” indicates Golden Sheaf membership attained after Jan 1, 2001 and the Maine State Grange must pay dues to National Grange on those members.  Most Granges exempt all Golden Sheaf (50 year) members from paying dues to their respective Granges and the Maine State Grange  does not charge dues on any Golden Sheaf member but the Maine State Grange must still pay dues to National on them. 

I’m going to backtrack a little, September is the time of the new Grange year beginnings with installations, making plans for the coming year and setting goals. This is also the time for year-end wrap-ups such as your annual audit, reports to be submitted (to your Grange, Pomona and State), and a time to evaluate last year’s activities, events, and goals, what was successful and what was lacking. There are very few Installation Teams or Installing Officers traveling, so I encourage each Grange to do their own Installation. There is an Alternative Installation Ceremony  (half the words) in the new Manual which can be read with one or two people in charge and working with the members present. It is impressive to have it memorized however many people, like myself, cannot memorize charges any longer. By reading it with appropriate feeling and enunciation, it comes across very nicely. The original ceremony in also still in the manual if you are so inclined. We have manuals at the office for sale.

Congratulations and welcome to all the Officers & Members, new and seasoned, and I wish you all much success for the coming year. 

The National Grange annual session will be November in Niagara Falls, New York hosted by the Northeast Region of States. All are welcome to attend.

President’s Perspective – August 2023

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

RESOLUTIONS are due in the office on August 15, 2023. Any resolutions received or submitted after the August 15th  deadline date will not be considered at this year’s 2023 Annual State Session. Resolutions are printed and then mailed back to each Grange. This all takes time.  

Just like elections, Granges are required to install their officers usually in September or as soon as practicable after elections. There are not many installation teams traveling the state to perform the ceremony. The Installation Ceremony may be handled by each Grange on their own. There is an official alternative Installation of Officers printed in the new manual that can easily be followed by your members with one person taking charge, all participating or just a few. This alternative ceremony contains half the words as the original one, which is also in the manual.  

Grange Committees are appointed by the Master/President-elect (whether newly elected or re-elected) and are responsible for asking the people to be involved. The Committees are responsible for organizing and implementing their programs in Subordinate, Pomona, and State Granges. Each level has more responsibilities and activities for the membership. If you would like to serve on a committee, please contact the Master/President of your Subordinate or Pomona Grange.  The State level is also looking for members to get involved with Committees and being Deputies, this being an election year, some officers, deputies, and committees may change.

This is a good time to remind you that your Grange Secretary’s and Treasurer’s books are to be audited at least once a year, and carrying that out close to installation is the perfect time to get it done.  The Executive Committee and/or the Finance Committee of your Grange are the ones to carry out the audit.  Written records should be kept for all accounts in the Grange, receipts and expenditures. 

Maine State Grange By-Laws:  Article XXI – Subordinate Officers and Their Duties
Section 8.1  It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee of each Subordinate Grange to see that the books of the Secretary and Treasurer and any other funds of the Grange are audited at the end of the fiscal year.      

You will need the  Secretary’s Records and Secretary’s Order Book.  This is the 5×7 book the Secretary writes what bills have come into the Grange and need to be paid with an amount listed. This record book also includes donations made to whom, etc. You will need the Treasurer’s books, checkbook, bank statements, savings book, etc., and receipt book (for funds received from the Secretary).  You compare the Secretary’s minutes and Order Book with the Treasurer’s checkbook and statements for receipts and expenditures.  All items should match between the Secretary and the Treasurer.  All Committees of the Grange that handle funds, such as CWA, Lecturer, Chaplain, Bingo, Dinner, Fund Raising, etc., should also be keeping written records of receipts and expenditures to have audited at the end of the Grange year.

Another reminder, 28 Subordinate and 7 Pomona Granges have provided your 2024 Roster information.  Even if there were no changes, a report needs to be sent, either the printed form or typed in an email.  During the order of business, the Master asks, “Have the reports to the Pomona and State Granges been duly and promptly made?” This includes this request for information. You may not have every committee in your Grange, but we still need the information you have, especially the meeting day & time, the address of your meeting hall, the Master and Secretary’s names, addresses, and phone numbers. Something I did notice on the ones I have received, several of the Granges have changed their meeting day and/or time. That is a By-law change and there is a proper procedure to make those changes correctly, then the change must be submitted for approval by MSG.  The Article, Section, and Sub-section numbers/letters must be stated in the by-law change request, the current information completely written out then the requested change completely written out. All your members must receive a copy of the proposed change(s), and it will be voted on as a motion at a subsequent meeting from when it is first introduced.  After the affirmative vote of the Grange, the same old and new printed information is sent to the State Master for approval. It will take effect after I sign it.

The 150th Annual State Grange Session is Oct. 20 & 21 at the Auburn Masonic Hall located at 1021 Turner St, Auburn.  Please note this is a Friday and Saturday event. Anyone may attend the session. Letters about the session will be going out next week to the Granges, which will include the Delegate Registration form, schedule, meal information, and hotel info. All information will be posted on the website. Resolutions will be sent after the 15th of August.

Friday, Oct. 20 — 1:00 p.m. opening & business. 2:00 State Master’s Address.  2:45 Memorial Service,  3:45  Resolutions and National Grange Rep. guest speaker,  6:00 p.m. Banquet by Pine Cone Eastern Star Chapter here in the Masonic Hall – tickets $16.00 purchased in advance. Awards will be presented upstairs after the banquet:  Junior Presentation, Community Service, Family Health & Hearing, Membership, Educational Aid and Howe’s Nurses Scholarships, and others.

Saturday, Oct 21 — 9:00 a.m. opening, acceptance of budget, full election of officer(s), resolutions and reports mixed in with elections as needed & installation of officers.
12:00 Ag Luncheon – tickets $10.00 purchased in advance.
1:30 Call back to order – business continues.
Conferral of the Sixth Degree will be at 2:30 p.m.   ($10 fee for 6th Degree candidates) (must have had the 5th Degree or 5th Degree Obligation to take the 6th Degree)

Fair Season is in full swing, and I hope you get a chance to attend a few of them, there are lots of things to see and do.  Here are some of the results of the Grange exhibits I have heard about so far:

Ossipee Valley Fair:
1st Maple Grove 148
2nd Waterford 479
3rd Saco 53
Monmouth Fair:
1st Winthrop 209
2nd Waterford 479
3rd Enterprise 48
Pittston Fair:
1st Enterprise 48
2nd Chelsea 215
Maine State Junior Grange received 1st Place award also.

Congratulations and compliments to all who put together these wonderful displays, thank you for your hard work. We are looking forward to seeing more this summer. Thank you, judges!