President’s Perspective – August 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

State Session is October   in Auburn. All paperwork and information has been mailed to the Secretaries and is posted on the website under “Program books and Information”. Remember, each Grange may have 2 delegates (they must be voted as delegates in your Grange meeting), and the quarterly Grange dues MUST be paid up to date for them to be able to vote. Any 4th-degree member may attend the session even if you are not a voting delegate. Our National Grange representative will be Barbara Foster, Pomona of the National Grange & Master/President of the West Virginia State Grange. 

Reports – Reports – Reports. That’s right, ALL Reports are due Individual, Subordinate, and Pomona:

Lecturer’s report and Book Reading lists to Melissa Baldwin. 

Community Service reports and books to Brenda Dyer.

Family Health & Hearing reports due to Brenda Dyer.

CWA reports to Margaret Henderson.

Pomona and Subordinate Roster information to the State Office was due by July 15th. Thank you to those who have submitted them — where are the rest of yours? Even if you had no changes, the report is to be sent in. We ask you to provide the Grange name & number, the physical street address and town of the Grange hall, which day or days and time. Let us know if there are refreshments or supper and that time. Also, the name, postal address, phone, cell phone (if they want it posted), and email (if applicable) of the Master, Lecturer, Secretary, and CWA (Committee of Women’s Activity) chair. Additional committee chairs may also be included on the back or a separate sheet for Agriculture, Legislative, Community Service, Family Health & Hearing, Junior, Youth, and Education. 

State Officers and Deputy’s Visitation reports are due to the State Master (standard mail or emailed) or get them to the office. 

State Officers — Lecturer, Chaplain, Treasurer and Secretary are expected to present a written report by Oct 1.  

Committee Chairs/Directors — Agriculture, Committee of Women’s Activities, Communications, Community Service, Family Health & Hearing, Educational Aid & Howes Nursing Scholarship, Fundraising, Junior, Legislative, and Membership are required to give a written report on your actives for the year, submitted to ME, State Master, by standard mail or email (email is easier for me, I can copy into the book). All of these reports will be compiled together and printed for approval by the delegates at the State Session. 

Directors, I need your 2025 Program Books, so those can be printed to be passed out at State Session. 

While I am talking about reports. I am still missing many updated membership lists. Please get them corrected and sent in. 

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