Membership Moments – August 2024

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

As many of you know, I belong to the Maine Spirit of America Foundation and, in the past, have incorporated the procedures of this organization into Granges in order to potentially increase membership and make the Granges more visible to the public. Some Granges do pick their own recipients and have a ceremony honoring their choices. Spirit of America Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity established in Augusta, ME & it allows the Spirit of America Foundation Tribute to be presented in the name of any Maine municipality to a person, project, or group for their outstanding community service.  (See for more info.)

Volunteerism is the topic, and most town selectmen throughout the State of Maine choose the nominees from their communities to receive the award. Many Granges and Grange members have received the Spirit of America award in the past, and there are many more that will in the future. The founder of the Foundation, Bruce Flaherty, who is a Grange member, contacted me, and we came up with some answers to the following question:

 “How could Grange get involved in Spirit of America?”

 Individual Grange members might suggest a person/project/group deserving consideration for the Spirit of America Tribute to their town’s Council/Selectboard Chair.

 A Grange might invite the most recent winner of its town’s Spirit of America award to a meeting to say a few words about their favorite volunteer cause. The Master/President might congratulate, thank, and pose with them for a photo to submit to newspapers.

Any Grange might celebrate ‘County Officials Appreciation Month’ (Sept.) by inviting a County Official (e.g., Commissioner, Sheriff) to speak to its group in September – a publicity opportunity for Grange!

 A Grange might celebrate ‘Municipal Officials Appreciation Month’ (Oct.) by inviting a Municipal Official (e.g. Selectman, Clerk) to speak to its members in October – Grange publicity opportunity!.

The Spirit of America Foundation created ‘County Officials Appreciation Month’ and ‘Municipal Officials Appreciation Month’ in gratitude to county and municipal officials for their help to its awards program over a period of many years.

The above have been done in some Grange halls with great success. Also, invite a Grange State Officer, Deputy, or Director to speak and be the emcee. I have done a number of these presentations at various Granges and on the State level at the Hall of Flags at the State House in Augusta. It is very easy to plan and to do. I would prefer your own Grange, Pomona, or Deputy do the honors. For more information or if you have questions, feel free to contact me. Thank you for everything Granges do to help the cause of volunteerism!

Remember, this is Fair season, so help your granges by contributing items for their Fair exhibits. Many Granges participate in showing off their harvests and talents at agricultural fairs, and there is money to be made for you. Many fairgoers look forward to visiting the Exhibition Halls and looking at the exhibits. Inquire at your grange how you can help. I have been involved with my Grange’s exhibits since I joined the Grange in 1985 and enjoy being a part of displaying our wares in a beautiful exhibit.

Remember, the State Grange session is coming in October in Auburn. Come receive your Sixth Degree and join in the camaraderie with your fellow Grangers. Become a Delegate or Alternate and learn much more about the Grange!

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