President’s Perspective – July 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

Richard and I had a good time as part of the Maine group that attended the NE Lecturers Conference in CT. A variety of workshops were presented, activities, entertainment, tours, food, and friends.

The 150th Anniversary was a success, with about 55 Grangers and 10 Juniors attending. Thank you for coming, and thanks to all who helped in any way: cleaning, changing light bulbs, setting up tables, bringing food, setting up, taking part in the program, clearing away, and saving me some goodies. Thank you, Juniors, for weeding and sprucing up the memorial garden as a Community Service activity. It was a very casual afternoon with lots of visiting, reminiscing, hugs, and a wide variety of yummy, yummy sweets & snacks! Everything was done downstairs throughout the house (the chairlift was out of order). Souvenir 150th booklets were printed for our guests to take, listing all 593 Maine Granges, when they were organized & closure dates; all State Officers & dates they served; Annual State Sessions dates & places; National Sessions in Maine; and Maine Grangers who served as National Grange Officers; and assorted moments in State Grange history. Special 150th pads of paper were also passed out.  I would like to do the same thing in the north or Downeast.

There were posters, memorabilia, assorted photo albums, and other unique items to look at. The attendees participated in a meet the officers scavenger hunt to fill in a questionnaire with the name of a different officer for each question. Richard and I were very disappointed we couldn’t be there because we had been exposed to Covid on Wednesday.

Mike Griffin was MC for the program which consisted of a welcome by Darrell Huff, Moments in History by Missy Baldwin., membership information by Sharon Morton. Jim Owens. talked about the officers albums he has custody of, the Juniors performed a song, the officer questionnaire was reviewed with much laughter, several folks gave some of their experiences, door prizes were drawn and “It’s A Good Thing To Be A Granger” was sung by all. Thanks for making the day a success.

Since we are already in the middle of July, it’s time to start mentioning the State Grange session. One final reminder: You have less than one month to get your resolutions into the office by August 15 by standard mail and/or email. Resolutions must be read and voted on in your Grange before submitting them to the State for consideration.  

The 150th Annual State Grange Session is Oct. 18 & 19 at the Auburn Masonic Hall, 1021 Turner St, Auburn. Delegate registration, full schedule, meal, and motel information will be sent to the Granges soon. The Residence Inn (207-777-3400) in Auburn has agreed to give us a discount this year. You must ask for the Maine State Grange Annual Session group rate.

Friday, October 18 – 1:00 p.m. opening & business. 2:00 State Master’s Address.  2:45 Memorial Service,  3:45  Resolutions and National Grange Rep. guest speaker,  6:00 p.m. Banquet by Pine Cone Eastern Star Chapter here in the Masonic Hall – tickets purchased in advance. Awards will be presented upstairs after the banquet:  Junior Presentation, Community Service, Family Health & Hearing, Membership, Educational Aid and Howe’s Nurses Scholarships, CWA and other awards.

Saturday, October 19– 9:00 a.m. opening, acceptance of budget, election of officer(s), resolutions and reports mixed in with election as needed & installation of officers, 12:00 Ag Luncheon – tickets purchased in advance. 1:30 Call back to order – business continues. Saturday Oct 19 — 2:30 p.m. Conferral of the Sixth Degree($10 fee for 6th Degree candidates) (must have had the 5th Degree or 5th Degree Obligation to take the 6th Degree).

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