Ocean View Grange News

Ocean View Grange is located at 435 Port Clyde Road in St George Maine

By Larry Bailey, Master

Because of the really cold weather, we have some time to think about and plan for our upcoming year. You, as Grange members, can help our Grange by providing all of us with ideas and suggestions relating to:

Suppers etc. – Should we plan suppers? lunches? or brunches this year? While I find that the Bean Suppers are so characteristic of Granges all over, it might be good to change things up a bit. It is my opinion that, while we make some money at such activities, it is not the money that makes us do it. The real community gatherings and family friendship we see at these functions are worth more than money.

Community Help – I hope we can get back on the Road Clean-up program this year. It is one of those labors of love in which we can all participate. Why does this matter? Well, we help clean up the community roads, we get some good exercise while doing it, and we enjoy all the company of our fellow members and friends who come out to help.  The question is…what else is there that we can lend our services to help our community. Think about it.

Let us plan to get back to upkeeping/repairing the Grange. We can, finish the paint job, clean the windows, and, one day, we can get someone in a hazmat suit to clean the attic at the Grange. Our windows need some attention; Let’s look at them and decide what needs to be done.

Would it be prudent to buy an inexpensive lawn mower and rotate members to mow our grass? Just food for thought?

We need to restart the Words for Thirds Program. I have a box of dictionaries here. If anyone is interested in helping with this, just let me know.

It was suggested by one of our members last year that we print the article entitled – “Maine History Trail – Ocean View Grange, Martinsville Maine” and distribute it to every visitor to our Grange. It provides a good history of the Ocean View Grange and might help with membership recruiting. We will need someone to be in charge of this.

What do we do with the Stair Lift? It has been a dismal failure since we bought it. Do we just dump it? Do we move our meetings to the first floor? Do we buy a new Stair Lift? This is an item for discussion. We will need a Grange member to look into this.

Bathroom toilet. Much like the Stair Lift and the kitchen sink, the leaky bathroom toilet is a failure and needs repair or replacement.

What other programs can we provide? For example, I would be willing to put on a watercolor painting class. What can you provide? Cooking class, Poetry session, etc, provide help with PC’s electronic problems, dance lessons, etc.?

These are just a few items that occurred to me. I know you have some thoughts and ideas too. Don’t think that one, two, or three members should jump in to do all of the repairs and upgrades for the foregoing. This is a group effort, and everybody needs to lend a hand and come up with thoughts and solutions. Let’s all join together and make our Grange a better, safer, and happier place than it has been!!!

Larry also distributed an Ocean View Grange Roster, requesting members make sure their information is accurate and updated.. There are some great ideas on this list. I’m sure Ocean View won’t mind if some other Granges “steal” them!

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