Maine Legislative Memorial Scholarship Opens February 1

Reprinted, with permission, from an e-newsletter prepared by Stacey Guerin, Senator for District 4

The Maine Legislature annually recognizes one student from each county who is currently pursuing or planning to pursue education at a two- or four-year degree-granting Maine college or technical school. Administered through the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME), these awards are given to Maine resident high school seniors or full- or part-time postsecondary students accepted to or enrolled in accredited Maine colleges for graduate or undergraduate degrees.

The 2023-2024 application cycle will open on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023, and scholarship applications will be accepted until the deadline of May 1, 2023. Scholarship awards of $1,000 will be given to one student in each of Maine’s counties (16 total). Only complete applications will be considered, which should include the following:

  • A completed 2023-2024 Maine Legislative Memorial Scholarship application (available Feb. 1 here)
  • An essay (make sure the applicant’s name appears on all pages)
  • Submission of transcripts, recommendations, and a 2023-2024 Student Aid Report (SAR)
  • College students should include both college and high school transcripts
  • All transcripts should also indicate graduation date or anticipated graduation date
  • A copy of a high school diploma or equivalent

Recipients selected from applications submitted by the May 1, 2023 deadline will be selected and notified in the fall. Notifications are not sent to those applicants not selected.

It’s important that students submit the 2023-2024 free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in time to receive the Student Aid Report (SAR) back from the federal government. The SAR with Expected Family Contribution (EFC), income information, and number of family members must be sent to FAME and postmarked by the deadline during the application period.

Webmaster’s Note: This is also a great opportunity to remind Granges sponsoring scholarships to make sure we have your current information. Please check the About Scholarships Page and submit any corrections or changes with by using the submit tab at the top of the site or sending an email.

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