Communications Column – September 2024 (CORRECTED!)

By Walter Boomsma
207 343-1842
Communications Director

Annual Report, 2023-24

Oops! It seems a bit ironic that I accidentally sent last month’s column about communication instead of thus month’s!

The Communications and Website Annual Report is posted on the site. For this month’s column, it seems appropriate to include a  few important excerpts from it. I certainly encourage you to read the full report and welcome your comments and questions!

There have been 17,985 site views from September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024—an average of nearly 1,500 monthly. However, these visits do not include subscribers receiving the posts without visiting the site. While this represents a significant decrease from the previous year, the number of actual visitors hasn’t changed much. One could rightly conclude that a similar number of visitors are viewing fewer pages and posts.

Considering the decline in Granges and Grange membership, the site is doing well. Some of that success can be attributed to the site design and content. The site is resource-rich and appeals to both members and non-members. The top pages visited are the information pages, such as the directory of Granges, program books and information, etc. This year, the Grange Event Calendar received the third most visits.

During this past year, I have continued to add resource documents and tools to our collection of communication resources available on the site. There is value in our website.

Several significant accomplishments this year include:

  • Added additional resources for Grangers, including timely posts that seem to be of interest to them on a variety of subjects.
  • Completed interviews with media representatives and researchers. One example is a favorable feature article in the Bangor Daily News and Piscataquis Observer.
  • Completed another significant purge of the website’s oldest posts and images.  This makes the site much more manageable and saves server space and remains an ongoing focus.
  • Continued to work with an editorial calendar to ensure regular, consistent posting. This includes Grange Heirlooms and Why I Love the Grange.
  • Continued to make “under the hood” improvements to the site.
  • Continued posting of “special events” being sponsored or hosted by Granges. These events have also been added to the MSG Calendar Page.
  • Continued to facilitate an email service that allows information to be sent directly to officers, directors, and deputies on short notice.

Looking ahead to 2024-2025, some objectives include:

  • Continue researching options for a site subscription. The current process is time-consuming, and more automation is needed.
  • Continuing to keep communication positive, helpful, and engaging.
  • Investigate the feasibility of sponsoring at least one virtual roundtable discussion. Due to time limitations, this was not achieved last year. I am upgrading my computer system and hope this becomes more feasible soon.
  • Continue to research further connections between the MSG website and social media.
  • Continue searching for resources, including additional guest columnists and regular topical information that can be reposted with attribution.

I believe the primary role of any state position or function is to support Subordinate and Pomona Granges and their members. But communication is not a “one-person job.” Individuals, Community/Subordinate, and Pomona Granges can best support our communications efforts by providing positive news and information.

I will continue encouraging open communication throughout our Order and with the public. We must generate interest and excitement among our communities, prospective members, and ourselves.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you and your Grange.

Thank you for your continued confidence and support.

► FACT: The events page on the website continues to be one of the most frequently visited pages on the site! Are you submitting your programs and events?

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