Getting Grounded

Guest Article by Walter Boomsma

September is Suicide Prevention Prevention Month. As many know, I am a big promoter of preventing suicide.1 Our approach to preventing suicide seems to be one of waiting until a crisis develops. I have long suspected that suicidal tendencies develop pretty early on, and we would be better served to take preventative steps before we reach the crisis point.

Thanks to the media, we’re not only becoming more aware of the issue of suicide-we are also being confronted with examples of mental health issues. COVID certainly contributed. We are easily overwhelmed by the complexity and intensity. In February 2021, 37.5% of adults in Maine reported symptoms of anxiety and depression2.

Since I do not intend to add to the complexity and intensity, I’d like to propose a simple exercise in Emotional Hygiene. In 17 minutes, Guy Winch provides a good foundation in an entertaining and non-clinical way that will also have you laughing.

At one of the mental health workshops I attended some years ago, the instructor asked us to share how we “centered” or grounded ourselves. It was interesting that he gave us some time to think before answering, suggesting that we may not be immediately aware of it. Being grounded generally refers to achieving a state of being emotionally and mentally stable and having a sense of connection to reality. In non-clinical terms, some refer to it as “going to my happy place.”

Life can easily throw us off balance. If we catch our balance soon enough, we can avoid unintentionally going somewhere (mentally and emotionally) that isn’t helpful. That somewhere may involve depression or anxiety. In simple, non-clinical terms, mental hygiene prevents mental health issues that can lead to suicide. But it’s not just about preventing suicide. It’s about living fully and happily.

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside awakens.”

Carl Jung

  1. I am a Certified NAMI Mental Health First Aid Responder, a teacher of Suicide Prevention Workshops, and an instructor in Beal University’s Addiction Counseling Program. Additional mental health resources are available on my Brain Leaks and Musings website. ↩︎
  2. State of Maine Mental Health Factsheet. ↩︎

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