The Chaplain’s View – July 2024

Christine Hebert, MSG Chaplain
(207) 743-5277

The Ten Commandments

One of the Ten Commandments is to “Love our neighbor as ourselves.” I would like to think we all follow this commandment! Here is only one example

If someone is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won’t help him—how can God’s love be within him? Little children let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions. Then we will know for sure. By our actions, that we are on God’s side, and our consciences will be clear, even when we stand before the Lord.

            But if we have bad consciences and feel that we have done wrong, the Lord will surely feel it even more,*for he knows everything we do. But dearly loved friends, if our consciences are clear, we can come to the Lord with perfect assurance and trust, and get whatever we ask for because we are obeying him and doing the things that please him.

1 John 3:17-22 (The Living Bible)

I can think of a time when I could have helped someone out and chose not to. I certainly felt awful about it and wished I had it to do over again, but I don’t. So, I have asked for forgiveness and know that God has forgiven me. We can all learn a lesson from this.    

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