Reporters Wanted!

Stick figure press

No worries! It’s not THAT difficult!

With all the great Grange events around the state this summer, we should be able to show our communities the opportunities the Grange offers and how successful our programs and events are!

You won’t earn cash, but you will get credit. Consider yourself appointed as a reporter for the Maine State Website.

Smartphone photos are welcome for posting. Send them by email to Include at least a few details–think of it as captioning your photo so we know what it’s about. Remember the “who, what, where, when” basics.

We’ll try to keep this simple but here are a few guidelines.

  • Photos of children require the written permission of a parent or guardian to publish. A form is available here. The fact that the child is with a parent is not sufficient.
  • Courtesy and respect are important! Even with adults, explain that you’d like the photo posted on the website.
  • One of the common rules of press/media photography is “no feet! When taking a posed photo of a group, move in close and try to shoot above the waist. Time permitting, we’ll crop and edit if needed.
  • Additional information is available in the MSG Communications Handbook.
MSG Communications Department

Of course, written stories without photos work, too! We’re here to help! Send us what you have and we’ll write, edit, and let you know if we need additional information. Let’s show off the Grange!

The codfish lays ten thousand eggs,
The homely hen lays one.
The codfish never cackles
To tell you what she's done.
And so we scorn the codfish,
While the humble hen we prize,
Which only goes to show you
That it pays to advertise.

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