Fundraising Report – June 2024

Norma Meserve, MSG Fundraising Chairperson
207 998-2586

Report of the 2024 Annual State Grange Yard Sale

What a beautiful day it was for the annual State Grange Yard Sale on June 1, 2024. Sunny and warm and people were ready to shop! This event was once again held at Manchester Grange. There were approximately 15 tables rented, including the Lions Club, which once again sold breakfast and lunch. The State Grange Fundraising Committee had a table with sales items available as well as a 50/50 and a Raffle for two $100 VISA gift cards. The winners of the gift cards were Gailene Friedly of Golden Harvest Grange in Carmel and Karen Gagne from Danville Junction Grange in Danville. The winner of the 50/50 was Dana Long from Vienna. Overall, it was a very successful day. We raised over $400. I would like to thank all those Granges and Grangers who sold raffle tickets ahead of time for us.

Your help is greatly appreciated and the Fundraising Committee couldn’t make these events successful without your help. I would also like to thank Manchester Grange for again hosting us, and a special thanks to Linda Cobb, who was very accommodating in meeting us and the renters at various times to set up.

Until next time, have a great summer and I hope to see many of you at Headquarters for the State Grange’s 150th Anniversary celebration on June 29th.

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