Email Cautions

By Walter Boomsma, MSG Communications Director

This is a strange irony. As I was writing the “Caution and Suspicion” post, I received a weird email that appeared to be from MSG Chaplain Christine Hebert. Shortly after that, I received a legitimate email from her requesting I let people know she had been “hacked.”

Unfortunately, this is likely to become a more common event than we’d like. Many will remember getting similar bogus emails and text messages that appeared to be from MSG Master Sherry. Some even received bogus emails from NG Master Betsy Huber.

How this happens can vary, and I honestly can’t be helpful with resolving it. I can tell you that having a strong email password is necessary. Also, a virus-checking program on your computer is essential. The simplest explanation is that “bad people” are somehow gaining access to your email address book. Once they have that, it’s relatively easy for them to spoof or actually use your email address to send messages to people you know. It’s not much different from the telephone calls you get that appear to be from a local number.

This is not something related to or stemming from the Maine State Grange Website. We use very aggressive virus and malware protection software, and any email addresses on the website are “obfuscated,” making them impossible to harvest by bots.

Similarly, I receive at least a half-dozen fake invoices every day (a typical day shows 300+ emails coming in). It annoys me, but the best reaction is to simply delete them. If you receive an email from someone that looks strange or suspicious, you can probably ignore it and delete it. You can also contact that person by some other means to investigate. If you think your email account or address book has been compromised, you should immediately change your password and contact your service provider.

We will not be posting a warning every time a suspicious email is reported. We’ll count on you to be “suspicious and cautious.”In a sense, it’s the price we pay for the technology we enjoy. AI (Artificial Intelligence) will be a positive in prevention but like most tools, it can also be used for evil. Certainly, if you have any questions or concerns, let me know!

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