Valley Grange Gets Mail!

We recently received thank-you notes from our third-graders in Brownville. Most include hand-drawn pictures–unfortunately, with the colored construction paper, they don’t scan well, but here are a few summarized.

“Thank you for everything. I had a lot of fun. You make me laf!”

“Thank you for the Dictionary. My favorite part was the word game.”

“Thank you for everything. You are so nuns. We love you!” [I think “nuns” was supposed to be “fun.”]

“Mr. Boomsma Thank you. I love love when we try to find the word even though I didn’t win I still tried.”

“My favorite part was the sticks.” [We talk about the staves or staffs–farmers’ tools.]

“Thank you for everything you [?] for keeping our cugrey [community?] safe.

“Thank you for the dictionary. Now I know lots about the periodic table of the elements. You are the best.” [No, I did not make this one up. It’s in the dictionary!]

“Dear Mr. Boomsma, You are a kind man. Thank you for letting us play the dictionary game of finding the words in the dictionary. Good job. You’re working hard.”

“Thank you for the dictionary and showing us the farmers’ tools.”

“Ok the longest word is hard. I can’t read the word.” [According to the dictionary, the longest word has 1909 letters in it!]

“Thank you for showing us the dictionary and farmer tools. The dictionary was amazing! The tools were great! I hope you come back to our school!”

I think one class had a little help with this one:

If you come to our Musical Celebration of Rural Life on Friday, November 17, 2023, you’ll get a chance to read some of these for yourself!

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