Membership Moments – November 2023

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

It was great seeing many of my Grange family at the State Session. I always look to meet new delegates at the State Session. If you have never been to the State Grange Session, then you have missed a wonderful opportunity to mingle with others across this great State of Maine. You do not have to be a Sixth Degree member to attend. Hopefully, we will see you there next year.

The State Membership Committee wishes to expand, so we will need your help. If anyone is interested, please contact me. Or, if you just want to be an informer, that would be fine. Don’t run away until I explain. Membership needs more attention everywhere. I am looking for people who will spread information to others at their Community and Pomona Grange meetings.  The rules are simple.

First, the primary duty would be to read my columns at your meetings. Each month, a different topic will be mentioned for you to share. That way, everyone will pick up some ideas and hopefully offer their own suggestions. Educating and communicating is the key. The columns can be found on the Maine State Grange website or with your secretary, who will have a copy of the bulletin.

Second, encourage membership in your Grange.

Third, you are not required to attend meetings, conferences, or events. No travel other than attending your meetings is required. No reports need to be written. All that will be asked of you will be to share the methods of gaining and maintaining membership as provided by the columns.

Easy, yes! Do it for the Good of the Order. Do it for your Grange. Make a game out of the request. Challenge your members to see who can bring in the most members during a time period. Everyone has a competitive streak, so keep score and award the winner at the end of the period.  Encourage your Lecturer to have a Membership program. If you really want to get involved more, then form a Membership committee at your Grange and compete with other Granges in your Pomona.

So please join me in bringing new membership to life. Remember, it only takes a spark. My contact information is included when the column is put on the website. I am hoping you hear for you to help bring our Grange membership swinging in an upward direction. I cannot do it myself; we need each and every one of us to work together. After all, we are family!!!

Off to National Grange in Niagara Falls next week. Any membership info I can find from the National Director will be passed on in future columns. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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