We’re Back! FOR REAL!

Remember the old song, “Like a rubber ball, I’ll come bouncing back to you?”

I am truly sorry that it took longer than expected–and longer than it should have. It’s been frustrating, an education, and–frankly–expensive in terms of both time and money. That’s the limit of my whining.

For those nerdy Grangers, we have a few loose ends. Most won’t be apparent, but one that involves our friend Google. People searching for the site using Google may not find it for a while–it’s hard to tell how long, but at least a few days. The good news is that historically, not many visitors come from “googling” the site.

From a more practical perspective, I do have a backlog of columns and posts to handle. Again, the good news is I’ve been working on the Bulletin, so it’s mostly a matter of now posting from the Bulletin–exactly the opposite of my usual procedure. Barring something unforeseen, I should be caught up by the weekend. This could mean subscribers will be seeing more than the usual number of posts over the next few days.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!

Feel free to join me in a little happy dance!

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