We’re Back!

Since my confidence level is, at the moment, relatively low, I will add that I’m not sure we’ll remain back. The current solution has been labeled “temporary.”

UPDATE: I’m reminded of the line in Jurrasic Park, “We’ve spared no expense,” but the good news is the fixes should be permanent by Monday at the absolute latest.

I am “gathering rosebuds where I may, ” catching up with posts, etc., and also continuing to work on a more permanent solution. Your continued patience is appreciated!

One thing I’ve learned that you might find interesting! When we experience website issues, I can still contact website subscribers by email. Those who are subscribers know that because you received an email explaining that the site was down. Some who are not subscribers emailed me asking what was going on.

So you can see there’s an advantage to all of us for you to subscribe. A couple of important facts about subscribing:

  • We do not share your email address with anyone, and the only email you receive will be an occasional summary of website posts.
  • Except for very rare emergency situations, you will not receive more than one email per day.
  • Subscribing is free, and you remain in control of your subscription. You can easily “unsubscribe” at any time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!

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