CWA Report – June 2023

By Margaret Henderson, Director
Committee on Women’s Activities
207 948-2762

Committee on Women’s Activities

Another busy month. Helped with the Grange yard sale and food sale last weekend. There were lots of people who stopped by and supported us.

Got the tomatoes planted last week in between the raindrops. Hopefully, we will see the sun soon.

Just a reminder that entries for the contests are due at Headquarters on August 14th. I will be there at 9 am to accept them. If you can not make it that day, call me or the office to set up a time so that someone will be there to check your items in so that they can be judged.

Judging will be done on Friday the 18th, and the conference will be on Saturday the 19th at 9 am. Baking entries will be accepted Saturday morning at 8:30.

Hope everyone is doing well.

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