Membership Moments – June 2023

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

How did your elections go? Did you acknowledge new members as officers? Were they willing to accept the office? Election time is a big deal for Granges everywhere. It signifies a time of change where fresh ideas and new leadership are incorporated. Enthusiasm is heightened as we are looking toward the new Grange year. It is important that these changes occur. It represents a new cycle of leadership and, many times, a jolt to a once lethargic group. As we all know, a thing called “burnout” happens; many of us have felt it and decided to pass the leadership duties to others in the hope (and trust) that the Grange prospers.  Change is a good thing most of the time. It just depends on how you apply those changes. The former leaders must pass their knowledge to their successors and be a good mentors to encourage good changes in our Granges. To the former leaders; “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  

Just as the seasons change are welcomed by most of us geographically, change in leadership is just as welcome in our Granges. After a few days of rain, we are looking forward to the sun shining again and welcoming that change, just as we welcome rain after a stretch of sunny days. Change brings out fresh perspectives and keeps us encouraged with new ideas. Do not let your Grange get into a rut, make changes and take a different path. Otherwise, the results could be less than good. Open the windows and let the fresh air in; reflect on how that change of air feels. The same applies to leadership. Everyone deserves to have a chance to show their leadership skills, especially for the GOTO (Good of the Order). I haven’t used that acronym in ages, but it seems appropriate for this column.

The important thing is to introduce your new members to leadership positions or committees. Maybe they are not ready, that’s fine. Do not force them but DO NOT overlook them! Membership is our lifeblood, and every now and then, a “transfusion” is required and necessary. Most of you know what I am talking about. When things start to get “stale,” liven it up, try new things, and welcome the changes. Think outside the box. Any change, no matter how small or large will do wonders a majority of the time. If each of us introduces new ways and new ideas, be ready to explain how these changes are good for the Grange and not for the individual. We are a family, and these changes affect all of us. The family that changes together grows together.  Happy changes to all!!!

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