Membership Moments – March 2023

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

If you have read the recent column by our State Master, you would notice that everything she stressed in her goal-setting article pertains to attracting new members and encouraging our present membership. As mentioned in previous columns, everything you do INSIDE of your Grange is noticed OUTSIDE by the community.

Goal setting is very important. There are words and phrases she used in the goal-setting process that are very strong yet very workable and obtainable. Awareness of the operations and members of your Grange will lead to changes and improvements necessary for growth. Think when you have your vehicle inspected. Sure, it runs fine with no problems (that you are aware of, anyways), but it doesn’t hurt to do maintenance work. You may find there are hidden things; not so important now, but can lead to bigger problems. The same thing applies when you go for your annual physical at the doctor’s office. An assessment of the overall performance of your Grange is needed and changes; no matter how small, will lead to a stronger, organized Grange. The community will notice.

Good leaders are essential. We all have unique talents and blended together, it makes a hearty “soup”. When you have the ingredients, it makes it easier to assign roles based on each member’s specialty. It takes a good leader to organize this talent into a winning team. Don’t be afraid to become a leader! You can make a big difference. Have faith and trust in your membership to help. The rewards are certainly beneficial to you and your Grange. Go outside the box and take the step. You have your Grange family to support you!  I certainly was afraid and told myself I couldn’t be a leader, however, my Grange friends and Grange family felt different. With their support and my trust in them, I took the step and am glad that I did!  Thank you all for that little push and love. Be not afraid.

 We all joined the Grange for various reasons; mainly for agricultural and community service purposes. We have created new friendships and bonds with other Grangers; we can use our skills and talents to help others. Personally, I have learned much about myself and my abilities since joining the Grange in 1985. Grange has made me a better person (not that I wasn’t before) and taught me new skills and toned up on some lesser-used ones. Family has always been important to me and my Grange family has always been accepting of me, no matter if I make mistakes or embarrass myself (which has been done). They pick me up when I am down; they just don’t laugh and turn away. Who wouldn’t want a family as supportive and loving?

The following are a few phrases that will help you in your endeavors to strengthen your Grange: 

  • Respect others.
  •  Give respect and others will respect you.
  •  Keep active and you will grow.
  • Cooperate with others and respect their opinions.
  • Be aware of the needs of your community and your Grange.
  •  Speak up with suggestions and ideas. Become a leader!
  •  Attend other’s Grange meetings and talk to members of other Granges.
  • Form bonds and friendships.
  • Work together for a common cause.
  • Keep visible!
  • Welcome the community into your Hall.

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