Enterprise Grange Seeks Volunteers

Saturday, March 18, 2023 — 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Calderwood Engineering has done a structural Inspection of the Grange Hall on Alexander Reed Road, and determined we need cellar work done for supports, etc., We also need to clean the attic for electrical work to be done. After paying for the posts, lumber, and wiring, we can’t afford the labor to do the moving work, and there are very few of us to get the labor done as quickly as we need.

A Work Bee will be held at the hall on Saturday, March 18, 2023 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. We are hoping for help at any time during that time period. We can’t pay, but we can feed a crew and have games and crafts for kids whose parents are helping. Two of us have “Safe Gathering” background checks and experience helping kids have fun.

Grange is the original equal opportunity organization with women and teens being able to vote and hold an office since our founding over 150 years ago. Women also share in the labor of the Grange just as men share with cooking and cleaning.

Coming events include Awards Day for Community Citizens of Dresden and Richmond, the ART FEST by the Kennebec, Red Cross Blood Drive, Historical Talks, displays celebrating Richmond’s Bicentennial monthly until September, and Music Jams through the summer months.

Please help as you are able. FMI call 207-380-3369 or 207-380-3901.

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