Membership Moments – December 2022

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

As the holiday season arrives, we are reminded that this is the season of giving. Aside from the commercial aspects of this season; how you choose to celebrate Christmas and whether you do or do not celebrate, the air seems filled with a sense of giving; even heightened during this time of year. A friendly smile to a stranger, a helping hand to someone in need, a pay forward in the grocery line, shoveling out a neighbor, or any small gesture in order to make someone feel good also makes us feel good. Take a moment to reflect on the good feelings we generate and how it affects others around us. Others sense our positive energies and take notice. It spreads from there. Many times we don’t realize the effects our attitudes and feelings have on others around us. No words need to be said or interaction needed. Many people do not realize that their whistling or happy mood while walking down a crowded street or at their place of work may be making the day for another and another, It goes on and on like dominoes. Imagine if we all did this!!

Now, you say, what does the above have to do with membership?  EVERYTHING! It has everything to do with membership. When talking to someone about joining the Grange, if they feel your passion, your positive thoughts, and your love for the Grange, you are more likely to keep their attention and make them feel good at the same time. They sense your happiness, and it affects them also. We all like things that make us feel good and when we share those feelings, we are spreading good cheer to many others and from the others to those around them. Most of us have a deep passion for our Grange. It can be detected by anyone who senses those feelings. The Grange has changed our lives for the better;  enhancing positive relationships with others, the giving and helping we do for others, the sense of usefulness of ourselves and our accomplishments, and most of all it has made us better people all around. It makes us feel good; it makes others feel good. Therefore, when attracting new members, be positive, show your passion and be honest and true in your presentation. Remember that others can sense your feelings and will make their own conclusions based on your attitude. Always be kind and helpful to others. Even if you do not like the person remember that giving of yourself creates rewards for all. Be a part of the solution, not part of the problem.  It’s about creating peace and harmony in today’s crazy world. It begins with YOU!!!

Enjoy the holidays and be safe!

Valley Grange Wraps Up Dictionary Days

Valley Grange is located in Guilford Maine

Valley Grange has now distributed over 3,600 dictionaries to third-graders in the area. This year they visited five schools in four districts. In addition to a dictionary for every third-grader, Valley Grange’s Blistered Finger Knitters provided hats, mittens, and socks for each of the schools. Enjoy this brief video summarizing this year’s program.

Watch the WABI Coverage of our visit to SeDoMoCha.

Read the Observer Article regarding PCES’s visit to Valley Grange.

82nd Annual Maine Agricultural Trades Show Kicks Off January 10

Press release from DACF

AUGUSTA, ME – The Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry’s (DACF) Agricultural Trades Show, the state’s largest farmer-focused event, returns to the Augusta Civic Center on January 10-12, 2023. This year’s event is the first in-person gathering since 2019. The previous two years featured exclusively online attendee experiences. DACF’s Agricultural Resource Development Division is the show organizer and announced plans for the 2023 edition. 

Show dates and location 

  • Tuesday, January 10, 2023 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Wednesday, January 11, 2023 – 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Thursday, January 12, 2023 – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • At the Augusta Civic Center, 76 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330

What to expect

Quick Tip – share!

Cool Idea
Share your idea with other Granges!

Facebook Fans… notice that at the bottom of every post, there are several icons representing different social media programs. (These icons may not appear on posts you receive by email; you must visit the site to find them.) If you’d like to “share” a post from the Maine State Grange site on your timeline or page, click the icon. As the saying goes, “It’s easy peasy!”

Quick tips from Granges and Grangers are always welcome… on any topic that might improve or make things easier for other Granges. Use the submission form or email yours to the webmaster for consideration!

Boots 2 Bushels

A market garden program for beginning farmers

Reprinted from an e-newsletter published by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Using the “5 F’s” of farming risk (Farming, Family, Finances, Fitness, Future) as a guide, participants will acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to successfully grow produce for small-scale private or commercial fruit and vegetable production. Boots 2 Bushels is open to ALL beginning farmers, with an emphasis on veterans, their family members, and farmers with a disability. Seats fill up fast, so check this out today! FMI and Registration

Ocean View Grange December Giving

Ocean View Grange is located in Martinsville Maine

By Larry Bailey, Master/President

If you could not make it to our December meeting at the Harpoon, you missed some great company, wonderful food, and an all-around good time. Since it was an open meeting, we did not conduct Grange business but let everyone know the Grange is alive and well.  We had 37 Grangers and guests, and I feel safe saying everyone was happy to be there.

We collected a really nice load of gifts of food, paper towels, toy, etc. for the Pope Memorial Humane Society. We delivered them last yesterday afternoon, and everyone was very pleased with our efforts. The photo shows Diane, Larry (me), and Ella Cushman standing in front of the gifts. A FOG (friend of the Grange), Rob Sloat, was there as well but was outside when the photo was taken.

“Thank yous” are due to many people, but I will just mention a few…

  • Emily, for letting us use the Harpoon for the meeting and setting up the room.
  • Hannah, for waiting on us and taking care of our needs.
  • Bill Swittlinger, for handling and setting up all the equipment (flag, sashes, Bible, meeting materials, etc. )
  • Every member or guest who brought the various gourmet dishes.

We will be delivering the gifts to the TOGUS VA hospital this week. I thank each one of you who contributed something to our Vets!

Have a very wonderful Christmas,

Diane, Larry (me), and Ella Cushman standing in front of the gifts. A FOG (friend of the Grange), Rob Sloat, was outside when the photo was taken.

President’s Perspective – December 2022

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 

National Grange Session was a big success held in Sparks Nevada in November. Jim Owens and I were the delegates for a very busy schedule of Grange business and Activities. There were eight Maine folks there for the week. Maine Grangers and Granges received a good number of awards.

Highland Lake #87 and Jonesboro #357 received Granges in Action certificates. 

Twenty-four Maine Granges were recognized for a net gain in membership. The National Grange had a net gain in Membership overall, the first time in years and years.  

Rebekah Hodgson of Jonesboro won 1st and 3rd places in the photo contest and Laurie McBurnie of Willow also received 3rd place for one of her entries. Each received ribbons and a pack of note cards made from the winning entries. Our Junior members also received a couple of winning awards in photo and art contests. Mrs. Swan, Maine’s nominee for Teacher of the Year from Jonesboro Grange received The National Teacher of the Year Award. Walter Boomsma was awarded National Grange Cultivator of the Year for cultivating communications. CONGRATULATIONS to all the recipients. Great job everyone, it was fantastic to see those ribbons and hear Maine called to receive the plaques and certificates. Items will be mailed to the recipients as I won’t be traveling much this winter. 

We had about twenty Grangers come for the instruction meeting on Saturday the 3rd. I was hoping for more but was happy with those who did come out in the rain. We covered some of the floor work for opening and closing, provided and reviewed an assortment of “how to” paperwork on a whole variety of subjects, and answered questions. Sharon Morton, State Secretary explained about Secretaries duties by providing written information also. Thank you to everyone who attended, Richard for setting up, Sharon for the workshop, and Henry for making the coffee & and picking up the doughnuts. 

I am planning to do the same instruction meeting at several places around the state. The State Secretary has agreed to come also, but probably in the spring when the weather isn’t so iffy. Please invite us to your area and get a date set up. I have a couple already. The secretaries will receive a list of available materials I provided on Saturday that can be requested anytime. 

From the Deacon’s Bench – December 2022

By Clay Collins, MSG Chaplain
207 837-0564

“Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people.”

1 Chronicles 16:8


We are now in the Advent season of the Christian calendar. Have you ever really thought about what Advent is? Many will correctly answer that it is the four Sundays leading up to Christmas day (the day that all Christians celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus) and begins this year on Sunday, November 28th.

Each year as December draws near, many of us try to commit to finding rest in a season notoriously wrought with materialism, busyness, and exhaustion. We try to focus on what really should matter, and try to prepare our hearts and minds to remember the birth of our Savior, Jesus, and all that it means to us, the believers. One way we do this is by celebrating the season of Advent, which for centuries has been tied to the first coming of Christ.

Other ways we celebrate is by building crèches depicting the nativity depicting the manger scene with the baby Jesus surrounded by Mary, Joseph, and the animals along with the Wise Men (who actually came later). Most importantly (or we sometimes think so) the presents! But are the presents really that important?

Think about it for a minute. What are we actually teaching our children about the true meaning of Christmas? I can remember as a boy growing up Christmas meant getting as many presents as I could. I didn’t know much about the birth of our savior until I was in my teen years (my parents were not church-goers). I did know that it was Jesus’ birthday, and we should be reverent to this fact, but that was about it. I did not know or understand much about Advent. For the longest time, I got the seasons of Advent and Lent mixed up! I did not fully understand until I started attending Church on a regular basis and got involved with Grange.

You might think that is strange and you are probably correct, but the Grange charges that we hear every meeting (especially the Chaplain’s charge) mirror a lot of the teachings you hear in Church.

Mainly, be thankful, thankful for the birth of Jesus who took all of our sins to the Father and asked for forgiveness for us. Be thankful for your loving families who, more often than not, overlook our misgivings and misjudgments. We all should take time to thank the Lord for everything that we have around us; the trees, lakes, oceans, mountains, and all the wildlife in the forests, without which we would not be able to survive.

 I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a very Happy New Year! I hope the new year brings you all a bit of relief and a busload of happiness!

 Until the next time, remember, “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.” Amen.

Benediction: “Gracious Father of us all, thank you for the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ. May we all learn from this miraculous birth.  Amen.”

He who loses money loses much;
He who loses a friend loses more;
And he who loses faith loses all.                                        

An Irish Friendship Blessing

Grange Heirloom — December 2022

Use the icons below to share this Grange Heirloom on social media and help others understand what the Grange stands for! If this heirloom has a particular meaning for you, click the responses link at the top right and share your comment with us!

Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Rituals and Declaration of Purposes.

For additional information and resources regarding the Heirloom Program, visit the Heirloom Resource Page on the Maine State Grange Website.

The Meeting Before Christmas

This poem was written and performed by Valley Grange Steward Roger Ricker at a Valley Grange Fellowship Breakfast a few years ago.

Twas the meeting before Christmas
When all through the Grange Hall
All members attending
Were having a ball.

The meeting that evening
Was proceeding with care.
In hopes that no problem
Would occur that night there.

The officers were nestled
All snug by their station
With visions all centered
On the night’s recreation.

The Master in his regalia
With the Overseer’s aid
Were trying their best
To get things underway.

When out by the gate
There arose such a clatter,
That the Gatekeeper responded
To see what was the matter.

Away to the ante room
He flew like a flash
Followed quite closely
By the tail of his sash.

The light in the ante room
Attached to the ceiling
Gave a luster of midday
Which aided his seeing.

When what to his wondering
Eyes did appear
But a tall slender fellow
Who was out to bring cheer.

Continue reading “The Meeting Before Christmas”