The Meeting Before Christmas

This poem was written and performed by Valley Grange Steward Roger Ricker at a Valley Grange Fellowship Breakfast a few years ago.

Twas the meeting before Christmas
When all through the Grange Hall
All members attending
Were having a ball.

The meeting that evening
Was proceeding with care.
In hopes that no problem
Would occur that night there.

The officers were nestled
All snug by their station
With visions all centered
On the night’s recreation.

The Master in his regalia
With the Overseer’s aid
Were trying their best
To get things underway.

When out by the gate
There arose such a clatter,
That the Gatekeeper responded
To see what was the matter.

Away to the ante room
He flew like a flash
Followed quite closely
By the tail of his sash.

The light in the ante room
Attached to the ceiling
Gave a luster of midday
Which aided his seeing.

When what to his wondering
Eyes did appear
But a tall slender fellow
Who was out to bring cheer.

Being ever so gracious
Right lively and quick,
I knew in a moment
He would work his way in.

More rapid than eagles
He entered our hall,
And passing each station
He let out a call.

Now Gatekeeper, Now Steward!
Now Overseer! Now Assistants!
On Lecturer, on Treasurer,
And Secretary for instance!

To make your Grange Prosper
Takes the aid of all here,
With the help of your Master
Whose station is near.

His palms became sweaty
As with each he shook hands.
Taking a short moment
As he passed by each station.

Down the side of the hallway
His course took him through
Announcing his title
To each of our crew.

And then in a twinkling
To my station he came,
I was trying to find words
That I should I should say.

As I arose to my feet
And extended a hand,
He passed by the Goddesses
And bowed like a man.

He was dressed in a sport coat
With white shirt and tie
And the proper regalia
For our meeting that night.

A bundle of info
He had flung in his case.
And I knew he had authority
When he entered our place.

His eyes how they sparkled
His dimples how merry,
In one hand was eggnog
Topped off with a cherry.

His ears they were covered
With a stocking leg hat,
With an eighteen inch tassel
Hanging way down the back.

The butt of a cigar
He’d removed for a time,
To meet regulations
And our no smoking sings.

He had all types of booklets
And more info as well.
Which made it much easier
His story to tell.

Though tall and quite slender
Not much like an elf,
I listened intently
So’s to learn things myself.

A wink of his eye
And a twist of his head
Soon lead us to know
There was nothing to dread.

He spoke many words
Concerning everyone’s work,
And the needs to fulfill them
So’s to not be a jerk.

Then giving the sign work
So’s to leave our large hall,
He quickly took exit
And shortly was gone.

He started his pickup
Gave a switch to the light,
And way he then drove
Into dark of the night.

But we heard him exclaim
Before closing the door,
“Have the merriest of Christmases
And I’ll be back for sure!”

4 thoughts on “The Meeting Before Christmas”

  1. A small group from Valley Grange visited Roger this morning… he is in Hospice and approaching the end of his journey, but smiled and whispered “Thank you” when I told him we’d be reading his poem tonight at our “Breakfast for Supper.”

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