Membership Moments – December 2022

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

As the holiday season arrives, we are reminded that this is the season of giving. Aside from the commercial aspects of this season; how you choose to celebrate Christmas and whether you do or do not celebrate, the air seems filled with a sense of giving; even heightened during this time of year. A friendly smile to a stranger, a helping hand to someone in need, a pay forward in the grocery line, shoveling out a neighbor, or any small gesture in order to make someone feel good also makes us feel good. Take a moment to reflect on the good feelings we generate and how it affects others around us. Others sense our positive energies and take notice. It spreads from there. Many times we don’t realize the effects our attitudes and feelings have on others around us. No words need to be said or interaction needed. Many people do not realize that their whistling or happy mood while walking down a crowded street or at their place of work may be making the day for another and another, It goes on and on like dominoes. Imagine if we all did this!!

Now, you say, what does the above have to do with membership?  EVERYTHING! It has everything to do with membership. When talking to someone about joining the Grange, if they feel your passion, your positive thoughts, and your love for the Grange, you are more likely to keep their attention and make them feel good at the same time. They sense your happiness, and it affects them also. We all like things that make us feel good and when we share those feelings, we are spreading good cheer to many others and from the others to those around them. Most of us have a deep passion for our Grange. It can be detected by anyone who senses those feelings. The Grange has changed our lives for the better;  enhancing positive relationships with others, the giving and helping we do for others, the sense of usefulness of ourselves and our accomplishments, and most of all it has made us better people all around. It makes us feel good; it makes others feel good. Therefore, when attracting new members, be positive, show your passion and be honest and true in your presentation. Remember that others can sense your feelings and will make their own conclusions based on your attitude. Always be kind and helpful to others. Even if you do not like the person remember that giving of yourself creates rewards for all. Be a part of the solution, not part of the problem.  It’s about creating peace and harmony in today’s crazy world. It begins with YOU!!!

Enjoy the holidays and be safe!

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