Communications Column – December 2022

A Nudge and a Nag

By Walter Boomsma
207 343-1842
Communications Director

When teaching adult students, I remind them they are taking THEIR course, not MY course. Of course, that doesn’t prevent me from offering an occasional nudge or nag (they get to decide which it is) when they aren’t doing their part.

There’s a parallel with the MSG website. It’s YOUR site, not MINE. That means we have a shared responsibility for it. And it also means I get to offer an occasional nudge or nag. (You can decide which it is.) There might be two this month.

First, an ongoing challenge continues to exist with the online directory of Granges. I continue to receive far too many emails and phone calls from people who have tried using it, and it hasn’t worked–disconnected phone numbers, no replies from the email address listed, etc. For those unfamiliar with it, this directory lists active Granges, the address of the Grange Hall, and a contact person with a name, phone number, and–ideally–email address. This contact person does not need to be the master or secretary. It does need to be someone who is dependable and responsible.

The online directory is consistently the most visited page on the website. (The second most visited is the Program Books and Information Page.) For various reasons, people want to contact local Granges. We need to work together to make sure that can happen. Keeping the online directory accurate should be a priority for all of us. Please make sure the information listed is accurate. Send any corrections to the webmaster!

There are too many sad (and sometimes funny) stories I could share. I was recently contacted by someone who desperately wanted to participate in a Grange event in their area but couldn’t figure out who to contact for more information. Another example was from a group that had used the Grange Hall. They found a note requesting the group supply their contact information to the local Grange, but it didn’t say who to send it to!

We can do better.

This same nudge or nag applies to almost ALL information about your Grange! Please send information and news about your Grange and your events! I’ve tried to make it as easy as possible. You can use the “submitting information” tab on the site or send the information in an email. If you are sending information to your local newspapers, add to the distribution list.

By the way, once your information is posted to the website, it’s easy-peasy to share it on Facebook. It doesn’t work the other way around!

We can do better.

Lastly, I’ve been nudging and nagging myself to continue the effort to repair and reconstruct the site. One problem with providing so much information is that it becomes a real challenge when much of it disappears! If you visit the Program Books and Information Page, any link with a smiley ☺ face after it should work. If you need something specific and can’t find it on the page, let me know, and I’ll try to find it for you.

Your patience and participation are appreciated!

FACT: Your MSG website was viewed nearly 1900 times during November 2022–and 10% of those visits were to the online directory of Granges.

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