Ocean View Grange December Giving

Ocean View Grange is located in Martinsville Maine

By Larry Bailey, Master/President

If you could not make it to our December meeting at the Harpoon, you missed some great company, wonderful food, and an all-around good time. Since it was an open meeting, we did not conduct Grange business but let everyone know the Grange is alive and well.  We had 37 Grangers and guests, and I feel safe saying everyone was happy to be there.

We collected a really nice load of gifts of food, paper towels, toy, etc. for the Pope Memorial Humane Society. We delivered them last yesterday afternoon, and everyone was very pleased with our efforts. The photo shows Diane, Larry (me), and Ella Cushman standing in front of the gifts. A FOG (friend of the Grange), Rob Sloat, was there as well but was outside when the photo was taken.

“Thank yous” are due to many people, but I will just mention a few…

  • Emily, for letting us use the Harpoon for the meeting and setting up the room.
  • Hannah, for waiting on us and taking care of our needs.
  • Bill Swittlinger, for handling and setting up all the equipment (flag, sashes, Bible, meeting materials, etc. )
  • Every member or guest who brought the various gourmet dishes.

We will be delivering the gifts to the TOGUS VA hospital this week. I thank each one of you who contributed something to our Vets!

Have a very wonderful Christmas,

Diane, Larry (me), and Ella Cushman standing in front of the gifts. A FOG (friend of the Grange), Rob Sloat, was outside when the photo was taken.

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