Valley Grange Gram Reviews Fall Plans

Valley Grange #144 is located in Guilford, Maine.

The dictionaries are here! Dictionary Days are coming! I’ll probably start working on the schedule later this week… but we have a job to do at our next meeting—sticking the labels in over 200 dictionaries! We’ll also be creating the bags of hats and mittens made by our Blistered Finger Knitters—we usually deliver those at the same time as the dictionaries. As usual, Piscataquis Community Elementary School, SeDoMoCha, Brownville Elementary, Ridgeview Elementary, and Harmony Elementary third graders will receive dictionaries. The hats and mittens will be placed in the care of school nurses for distribution as needed.

Sock it to us? This program was so successful last year we’re hearing that schools are still well-supplied. Janice will check on this and see what the needs look like.

Our next meeting is Friday, October 21, 2022. Did you notice that I left it out of the last Grange Gram? This will be a “working” meeting, so your hands will be helpful. Last year we discovered that a “Grange Angel” named Sandy had “snuck in” and done all the labeling before the meeting. Since she’s now in Pennsylvania, it’s doubtful that will happen again!

State Convention, October 20-21, 2022. As you may know, we are entitled to two voting delegates at State Session. At the September Meeting, we voted to appoint Walter and Janice as delegates, Pat Engstrom as an alternate. This becomes an interesting two days—I (Walter) can only attend Thursday due to teaching commitments in Bangor. The tentative plan is for Janice and I to attend on Thursday and Janice and Pat on Friday.

Raffle Ticket Sales… keep those cards and letters coming in! As of today, ticket sales have grossed $326 and we’ve received $250 in related donations from our fall letter.

Bookworming! I’ll be chatting with Mrs. Wright about this soon… and contacting previous bookworms. By the way, I just learned about the passing of Bob Kimball… a great guy and community supporter. His wife, Tyne is one of our most enthusiastic bookworms. Details regarding arrangements are not available yet, but please remember the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Our Schedule for 2022. We may host at least one Dictionary Day at the Grange Hall… if this happens, remember that it is not a public event, but Grange Members are encouraged to attend. Passing out dictionaries and helping the kids find words is fun! The actual date is “TBA,” but will be later this month or early November.

  • Friday, October 21, potluck supper at 6 pm, meeting/program at 7 pm. Grange Bees are Jim and Mary. We’ll be getting dictionaries, hats, and mittens ready for distribution.
  • Friday, November 18, potluck supper at 6 pm, meeting/program at 7 pm. Grange Bees are Walter and Janice. We’ll be drawing our raffle winners! Make sure you have all tickets and money turned in that night at the latest!
  • Friday, December 2, potluck breakfast for supper at 6 pm, program at 7 pm. You can wear your jammies! Because of the nature of this particular program, we’re all Grange Bees*!

*Grange Bees are those who prepare the hall for that event or meeting. Responsibilities include ensuring we have staples such as milk, rolls, and butter, turning on the heat, lights, etc. Everyone chips in, so it’s not a hard job! It’s that time of year when adding antifreeze to the furnace is an essential part of closing up the hall after meetings and events. Instructions are on the side of the furnace… and there is a “Grange Bee Checklist” posted in several locations in the hall.

Stay warm and enjoy the foliage! See you in a couple of weeks!

Junior Report — October 2022

By Marilyn Stinson
207 380-3901
and Terry LaCombe Stevens,
207 356-2492

Maine State Junior Grange met in Lincolnville at Tranquility Grange in September. We started our day making Dog Chew Toys, which will be sold at State Grange to raise funds.

During the meeting Juniors decided on a price to charge for chews and they also decided to send the fair money to the National Grange Foundation this year.

McLaughlin’s Seafood Shack in Lincolnville hosted the Junior Grange for lunch. The Juniors played on the beach before returning to Tranquility for a sweet treat “Candy Bar” which was enjoyed by all. A parent explained that it was a “Candy Buffet” not the anticipated “Candy Bar” that they anticipated. They were able to fill bags with candy to enjoy at home.

The items that were usually judged at Campout were judged by Barbara Schwartz who also helped make the dog chews. The results will be announced at State Grange Session.

A fun time was had by all. Thank you to Tranquility Grange, Mclaughlin’s Seafood Shack (Ricky Mclaughlin) and all who participated for a fun day.

Notes from National – October 2022

Gleaned from an email written by Phil Vonada, National Grange Communications Director

Facebook Page Zoom-torial Recorded

Phil Vonado, National Grange Communications Director, recently led a Zoom-torial on “How to Create a Facebook Page,” which also included some information on the free design website Canva, as well as how to create a Facebook Event. This video is now available on the National Grange YouTube channel and can be viewed here: (We’ll be adding this link/video to the Grange Resources Page.)

National Grange Guide to Contests

A National Grange Guide to Contests, with contests from the Junior, Youth, Lecturer, and Communication Departments. (A legislative department contest will also be added shortly.) This Guide is available on the Program Books and Information Page of the MSG Website in the National Section.

Is Your “Elevator Pitch” Helping You?

by Phil Vonada, National Grange Communications Director

An elevator pitch is your 30-second “canned speech” or “stump speech” to give perspective members or curious minds a taste of who we are as an Order and organization. Elevator pitches are used with people or businesses all the time, whether you know it or not – they’re used when trying to court a donor to your fundraiser, when working at a membership booth or food stand at a fair or festival, or when riding an actual elevator at the National Grange Convention (I know I personally had an actual elevator pitch in Wichita last year!)

The goals of your elevator pitch should be to (a) to ignite and encourage further conversation about the aims and mission of the Grange and your Grange in particular and (b) to let the other person do some research on their own.

But what does your elevator pitch sound like?

Does it start with “Well, in 1867, Oliver Hudson Kelley was sent to the south…”? Or maybe “The Grange is a farmer’s organization…?” A lot has changed since then! While we hold onto our roots as an agricultural organization, we are also known as an advocacy and community service organization for all of rural America.

Let’s start with the Grange’s mission statement: The Grange strengthens individuals, families and communities through grassroots action, service, education, advocacy and agriculture awareness.

And then tailor it for your own Grange – State, Pomona, or Local. 

I also note that we are the nation’s oldest agricultural fraternal organization. My pitch sounds something like this: “The Grange is America’s oldest and foremost agricultural and rural service organization, focused on supporting and advocating for rural America in nearly 1,500 communities nationwide. At Penns Valley Grange, we believe in supporting our community through direct action and service that builds up families.”

Your elevator pitch shouldn’t be a membership pitch. There’s no “… and here’s why you should join” at the end, but rather the pitch is the seed that will hopefully take root and grow – through a partnership or an eventual membership.

I encourage Granges to take time to work with one another to build their elevator pitches – and I look forward to hearing them!

Gimme a “G!” — Just make sure it’s capitalized!

“Grange” is a proper noun and it should always be capitalized!

A Quarter’s Worth

The next deadline for A Quarter’s Worth submissions is November 1st. Please send these to Ann Bercher ( (A Quarter’s Worth is the National Grange Lecturer’s Newsletter.)

New Member Recognition in Good Day Magazine

Want to see your new members recognized in Good Day Magazine? Anyone who has not been recognized as a new member in the past year can be included. Use this link to share the news. The deadlines for the next issue is November 30, 2022

National Grange Convention

156th National Grange Convention will be held at the Nugget Casino Resort in Sparks, Nevada, from November 15-19, 2022. Visit the National Grange Website for information and to register.

National Grange Heirloom Program

Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Ritual and Declaration of Purposes. Please share “success stories” about the use of the program with us, or if you come up with other innovative ways to incorporate the Program in your Granges. Information and materials are now available on the National Grange Website.

“Notes from National” is based on a monthly email received from the National Grange Communications Department.

156th National Grange Session is scheduled for November 15-19, 2022 in Sparks, NV

Fraternal Concern, Elaine M. Walls

Submitted by MSG Master Sherry Harriman

White Rose

Our fraternal circle has once again been broken. Sister Elaine Walls, former Lady Assistant Steward and former Ceres of the Maine State Grange passed away Friday, October 7, 2022. Her wake will be from 4 pm – 7 pm this Friday, October 14, 2022, with the funeral to be held at 10 am Saturday, October 15, 2022.  I understand arrangements have been made for MSG Chaplain Collins to conduct a Grange Service at 6:30 pm Friday at the Jones, Rich & Barnes Funeral home, 199 Woodfords Street, Portland, ME 04102.  

View a partial obituary here. Arrangments by Jones, Rich & Barnes Funeral Home.

Parkman Grange Veterans’ Supper

 Parkman Grange would like to invite the public to supper to benefit a local veterans group.  The supper will be on Saturday, October 15, 2022, starting at 4:30 till 6:30. The menu includes: ham, potato dishes, cole slaw seasonal veggies, yeast rolls, gingerbread desserts, and beverages.  Veterans and active military eat for free, all others by donation. Parkman Grange is located at the corner of State Hwy 150 and North Dexter Road in Parkman Center.  For more info, call Sue at 207 277-3942.

Limited Time Offer! Get Your Four Degrees!

Well, at least the first four! If you’ve joined the Grange through the “Obligation Ceremony,” you’ve missed the best part! The Four Degrees will be offered at Mill Stream Grange on Saturday, October 15, 2020, starting at 9:00 a.m. Mill Stream Grange is located just about 20 miles northwest of Augusta–convenient for many Granges. Plus, you’ll likely experience some great leaf peeping during the drive! For planning purposes, please call Judy Dunn at 207 293-2330 and tell her you’re coming! This will be a great opportunity to experience the rich heritage of the “lessons of the Grange.”

And if you already are “degreed,” you can still attend! Mill Stream Grange has eight new members who are degree candidates. That’s exciting and worth being part of, even as an observer. But you can’t just observe. In addition to being reminded of your experience, you can be part of the altar circle, a wonderful representation of the fraternal nature of the Grange. Many would agree that “opportunities like this do not come very often.” Don’t miss this one!

But Wait, There’s More!

The folks at Mill Stream are showing their energy and enthusiasm by offering an Installation of Officers the same day at 1:00 p.m. Even re-elected officers are supposed to be installed but don’t do this because you are required. It’s a great reminder of the duties and opportunities officership offer.

So maybe charter or borrow a van and come as a group for one or both of these opportunities! A light lunch will be served for those staying for the day–one reason you need to call is to help establish a lunch count.

Years ago, there were times when Granges would come together for an entire weekend, “camping out” at the hall. A few hours on a Saturday may not be quite that intense, but it will be fun and beneficial. Mill Stream Grange is a very active Grange. (Eight new members is quite an achievement in itself!) Maybe you can learn their secrets.

I would say my biggest and best benefit is the extended family I have found in the Grange. Where else can you go and have so many brothers and sisters? I have met so many people in my Grange travels, and they are all family.

Vicki Huff, Hollis Grange #132

Fifth Degree Scheduled at Bauneg Beg Grange

York Pomona will confer the Fifth Degree on Thursday, October 13, 2022. The meeting time is 7:00 PM, and there is no meal planned. The meeting will be at Bauneg Beg Grange in North Berwick. The address for GPS is 229 Morrell’s Mills Road. Contact Pomona President Missy Baldwin at 207-324-4661 for more information and to let us know if you will be bringing candidates.

Annual Reports and Program Books Posted

Here’s an updated list (as of October 4, 2022) of Annual Reports and Program Books posted to the Program Books and Information Page. There are still a few more to come.

Annual Reports

Program Books

Where’s your report? Have you told us why you love the Grange? It only takes a minute…

Grange Heirloom — October 2022

Use the icons below to share this Grange Heirloom on social media and help others understand what the Grange stands for! If this heirloom has a particular meaning for you, click the responses link at the top right and share your comment with us!

Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Rituals and Declaration of Purposes.

For additional information and resources regarding the Heirloom Program, visit the Heirloom Resource Page on the Maine State Grange Website.

Degree Information Given and Needed

  • Opportunity for the first Four Degrees – information given
  • Seeking an opportunity for the Fifth Degree – information needed
  • Opportunity for the Sixth Degree – information given

Four Degrees

Let’s take a quick look at some Degree Information. We have some information to give and some that is needed.

As most know, the first Four Degrees are considered “Subordinate Degrees.” They are an important part of the path to Grange Membership at the local level. We can receive the instruction for those Degrees at Mill Stream Grange on October 15, 2022!

Fifth Degree

The Fifth Degree is often referred to as the “Pomona Degree.” It is an important part of the path to Grange Membership at the Pomona Level and is most often offered at the Pomona Level. We always have a few people seeking the Fifth Degree this time of year, in part because it is a prerequisite to the Fifth Degree. On behalf of those people, we are seeking information about any Pomonas offering the Fifth Degree in the near future! Please email the webmaster with the basic information about your event!

Sixth Degree

The Sixth Degree is often referred to as the “State Degree” and signifies membership at the State Level. (Note that State Session is opened in the Sixth Degree, then lowered to the Fourth to conduct business. Completing the Sixth Degree is not required to attend.) The Sixth Degree is offered in conjunction with State Session. This year it is planned for Friday, October 21, 2022, at 2:30. Additional information is available here.

Seventh Degree

The Seventh Degree is considered the “National Degree” and, comparable to the Sixth, is offered at National Convention.

Opportunities for the first five Degrees can be offered at any time throughout the year. If your Subordinate or Community Grange is offering Degrees, please share the details so interested Grangers can attend!