Degree Information Given and Needed

  • Opportunity for the first Four Degrees – information given
  • Seeking an opportunity for the Fifth Degree – information needed
  • Opportunity for the Sixth Degree – information given

Four Degrees

Let’s take a quick look at some Degree Information. We have some information to give and some that is needed.

As most know, the first Four Degrees are considered “Subordinate Degrees.” They are an important part of the path to Grange Membership at the local level. We can receive the instruction for those Degrees at Mill Stream Grange on October 15, 2022!

Fifth Degree

The Fifth Degree is often referred to as the “Pomona Degree.” It is an important part of the path to Grange Membership at the Pomona Level and is most often offered at the Pomona Level. We always have a few people seeking the Fifth Degree this time of year, in part because it is a prerequisite to the Fifth Degree. On behalf of those people, we are seeking information about any Pomonas offering the Fifth Degree in the near future! Please email the webmaster with the basic information about your event!

Sixth Degree

The Sixth Degree is often referred to as the “State Degree” and signifies membership at the State Level. (Note that State Session is opened in the Sixth Degree, then lowered to the Fourth to conduct business. Completing the Sixth Degree is not required to attend.) The Sixth Degree is offered in conjunction with State Session. This year it is planned for Friday, October 21, 2022, at 2:30. Additional information is available here.

Seventh Degree

The Seventh Degree is considered the “National Degree” and, comparable to the Sixth, is offered at National Convention.

Opportunities for the first five Degrees can be offered at any time throughout the year. If your Subordinate or Community Grange is offering Degrees, please share the details so interested Grangers can attend!

One thought on “Degree Information Given and Needed”

  1. York Pomona will be conferring the 5th degree on Thursday, October 13th. The meeting time is 7:00PM, there is no meal planned. The meeting will be at Bauneg Beg Grange in North Berwick. Address for GPS is 229 Morrell’s Mills Road. Contact Pomona President, Missy Baldwin 207-324-4661. Please let us know if you will be bringing candidates.

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