Limited Time Offer! Get Your Four Degrees!

Well, at least the first four! If you’ve joined the Grange through the “Obligation Ceremony,” you’ve missed the best part! The Four Degrees will be offered at Mill Stream Grange on Saturday, October 15, 2020, starting at 9:00 a.m. Mill Stream Grange is located just about 20 miles northwest of Augusta–convenient for many Granges. Plus, you’ll likely experience some great leaf peeping during the drive! For planning purposes, please call Judy Dunn at 207 293-2330 and tell her you’re coming! This will be a great opportunity to experience the rich heritage of the “lessons of the Grange.”

And if you already are “degreed,” you can still attend! Mill Stream Grange has eight new members who are degree candidates. That’s exciting and worth being part of, even as an observer. But you can’t just observe. In addition to being reminded of your experience, you can be part of the altar circle, a wonderful representation of the fraternal nature of the Grange. Many would agree that “opportunities like this do not come very often.” Don’t miss this one!

But Wait, There’s More!

The folks at Mill Stream are showing their energy and enthusiasm by offering an Installation of Officers the same day at 1:00 p.m. Even re-elected officers are supposed to be installed but don’t do this because you are required. It’s a great reminder of the duties and opportunities officership offer.

So maybe charter or borrow a van and come as a group for one or both of these opportunities! A light lunch will be served for those staying for the day–one reason you need to call is to help establish a lunch count.

Years ago, there were times when Granges would come together for an entire weekend, “camping out” at the hall. A few hours on a Saturday may not be quite that intense, but it will be fun and beneficial. Mill Stream Grange is a very active Grange. (Eight new members is quite an achievement in itself!) Maybe you can learn their secrets.

I would say my biggest and best benefit is the extended family I have found in the Grange. Where else can you go and have so many brothers and sisters? I have met so many people in my Grange travels, and they are all family.

Vicki Huff, Hollis Grange #132

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