Exploring Traditions – August, 2024

Meandering Around the Grange Way of Life

When Useless Things Aren’t

By Walter Boomsma, Guest Columnist

Road Trip 2024 is over, at least in the sense that the travel is complete. We traveled through eight states and over 3,500 miles. The theme of the trip was “simplicity and tradition.”

Traditions are beliefs and practices that are passed down from generation to generation, usually by word of mouth or actual practice. Much of the Grange Ritual falls into this category.

One of the things I wanted to explore was how “tradition” fits into a society that is changing at an increasingly fast pace. There was some irony in the call from a news reporter just before I left. Elizabeth Waltztoni of the Bangor Daily News wanted to discuss how (or if) the Grange was gaining new members and making good use of the often historic halls. The answer was given in the headline, “Once town centers of agriculture, these public spaces haven’t quite disappeared.” It’s a thoroughly researched and objective article.

One of tradition’s values is that it fosters social bonding and cohesion. In simplest terms, it brings people together with often unstated values and beliefs.

In essentials, unity…

Of course, the beginning of the Grange Slogan raises an important question: “What are the essentials?” In a society marked by increasing discord, it’s an important question! Our essentials are—or should be—our core values. Those values should be simple and straightforward and a focus of our practice and traditions.

In non-essentials, liberty…

There were two instructors at the oxen-driving workshop I attended. Each had a slightly different style and approach. They agreed on the fundamentals, so there was no confusion there. (“In essentials, unity…”) However, by seeing those differences, I was forced to consider my own approach and style. That’s an important point. Even with tradition, there is room for tolerance. What one sees as essential, another may totally dismiss.

I remember sitting in a meeting once and watching an argument develop regarding which foot to lead with during some Grange floorwork. It was sadly entertaining because it focused on differences of opinion. It lost sight of the essentials. (It might be important that two people “marching” together be in sync, but does it matter if they start with the left or right foot?)

In all things, charity.

One of the reasons I love the Grange Slogan is that it’s simple. It’s a great reminder that as we travel through life, we can be guided by “charity” or love. Under that guideline, we celebrate the essentials we share and allow each other the freedom to have differences.

Something simple is not always easy. Communicating with oxen is pretty simple, but I can testify to the fact that it’s not easy.

One of our daily chores involved getting fifteen bales of straw from the upper barn and delivering them to a different location. This was a learn-by-doing workshop. When we discussed our plan for the day, Instructor Rob said, “Using the oxen means it will probably take an hour and a half. We could hop on a tractor and do it in fifteen minutes. But what would the fun be of that?”

He could have pointed out that we wouldn’t learn much about oxen if we used the tractor. Instead, he made us think about what was important and reminded us that learning and work can be fun.

When we have a Grange Meeting, we could eliminate the ritual and save some time. But what would be the fun of that?

Perhaps during the closing of the meeting, there could be a follow-up question to the Master’s question, “Worthy Overseer, are the labors of the day complete?”

Overseer: “They are, Worthy Master.”

Master: “Did we learn anything and have fun?”

All, in unison: “We did!”

Come, Boys! The labors of the day are not complete!

Any degree or ritual quotations are from the forty-sixth edition of the 2013 Subordinate Grange Manual or the most recent edition of the Pomona Grange Manual. The views and opinions expressed in “Exploring Traditions” are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official doctrine and policy of the Grange. Information about the book “Exploring Traditions—Celebrating the Grange Way of Life” can be found at http://abbotvillagepress.com, on Mr. Boomsma’s Amazon Author Page, or by contacting the author.

Communications Column – August 2024

By Walter Boomsma
207 343-1842
Communications Director

Are We Driving or Communicating?

So, at least in theory, I recently learned how to work with an oxen team. I’d been saying that I was going to learn to drive oxen. Among my many discoveries was that working with oxen is more about communicating with them than driving them.

I heard one of my instructors say more than once. “You’re confusing them. They don’t know what you want them to do!” Staying focused on communicating was a bigger challenge than it might seem. And at times, it was funny. Mostly though, it was frustrating!

In brief, trained oxen receive information from the teamster in three ways. The first is (or at least should be) spatial—the body position of the teamster. Second is the “goad” or stick and where and how they are touched. The third is verbal. There is some indication that they hear vowels best. So “whoooooa” works better than “whoa.” The best example of confusing them was when I’d say, “Whoa!” but keep walking. (In my mind, it made sense because I wanted to get in front of them. In their bovine minds, I was sending mixed signals.)

Instructor Rob is a school teacher. We had lots of fun making comparisons. I finally reminded myself of the comment, “What you’re doing shouts louder than what you’re saying.” You don’t have to work with kids for long before you realize “Do as I say and not as I do” doesn’t work well.

While a 2,000+ pound ox doesn’t engage in what we call “higher levels of reasoning,” the basics are the same. That said, two of the teams I worked with were extremely well-trained. One team of Devons would stand and let me walk some distance away. I could then raise my goad and call, “Right here, boys,” and they would walk to me and stop with their heads on either side.

We students had to learn a bit about herd instinct and survival from predators. Rob occasionally reminded us that building trust with the beasts was important. “You may have to convince them you’re not trying to kill them.”

Here’s an interesting comparison. My Ram pickup truck weighs about the same as a large pair of oxen. During Road Trip 2024, I drove that truck over 3,600 miles, mostly by pushing pedals, turning the wheel, and flipping switches. (I’m purposely omitting occasional arguments with the voice feature of the GPS.) The truck doesn’t have a mind of its own or any instincts. It just does what you tell it to do.

Oxen require a bit more understanding and communication than my truck or your car. You can’t just drive them. One of the things I found challenging is the amount of attention required with oxen, particularly when pulling something. There is no cruise control!

Of course, all analogies break down if you press them, but in addition to the joy of working with these large animals, it was great to be reminded of some of the basic truths about effective communication. I’m still processing, but a few important lessons can be learned.

Don’t send mixed messages! If you say “whoa,” stop moving. If you invite someone to attend your Grange, make sure your invitation is positive and complete.

Use multiple communication strategies! Oxen expect to be told and shown by position and the goad. With humans, say it, write it, demonstrate it. If you invite someone to attend your Grange, offer to give them a ride. Send an email or postcard reminder.

Speak the language of the listener! With oxen, “Come here!” is not the same as “Right here!” If you invite someone to attend your Grange, be aware of using “Grange Speak.” “We’ll open in full form” is not the same as “We start at…” Remember, nuances are important. Are you inviting your friend to a meeting or a program?

Use the listener’s name freely! To make a team of oxen turn sharp left one to slow down and perhaps to stop completely—it’s like driving a bulldozer. You’ll need to tell one ox, “Haw!” and the other, “Whoa!” (The goad and your body position are important. Use multiple communication strategies!) “Walter, I’d like you to come to our Grange…” sounds different than “I’d like you to come to our Grange. Actually, it is different!

I’m trying to resist the temptation to suggest that we invite people to join the herd. I may not be able to resist the temptation to make a comparison to being yoked into a team.

► FACT: The events page on the website continues to be one of the most frequently visited pages on the site! Are you submitting your programs and events?

Find the button representing how and where you want to share a post.

View from the Farm – August 2024

Webmaster’s note: The format of this column includes all of the Quill’s Endians participating at various times and in various ways! Phil writes this month’s column.

Some Calm

Over the years, we have tried to make fence-training livestock a “less-risk” enterprise.  Some critters new to an electrified fence train quickly and recoil from the pain.  Some jump forward in surprise.  Therefore, we provide a backstop and a physical barrier in front of the fence.  It seems straightforward enough.  If you train on a hot fence that carries a 5,000-plus volt jolt, a couple of times generally provides ample reason for respect.  Cattle are generally easier to contain than other livestock.  They tend to shy away from “testing” the fence more than goats and hogs do. 

Imagine our surprise to find our heifers gallivanting around the neighborhood several times in the last week!  Surprise is the gentlest word I can conjure just now.  Imagine our… surprise!

Waiting when something is amiss is a special kind of pain. But wait, we must.   We could track them only so far.  We had no luck.  We could only hope someone would spot them near (and not in) the road and alert us.  The calves were up in our friends’ blueberry barrens or nearby woods for most of last Tuesday, but not to be seen or called forth.  The first phone call came just before Carolyn and I were to leave for Ellsworth to drop off a truck for service.  With help from Noah of Rainbow Farm, the three of us were able to bring them home and put them back where they belonged.  And there they stayed, peacefully rotational-grazing in a pasture. 

Until they didn’t.

Two days later, a message left in the middle of the night alerted us they were no longer peacefully grazing in our pasture.  We tracked them to the same spot, only to not find them again.

The torturous waiting began anew.  Thankfully, we did not have to wait nearly as long the second time.  Benjamin and Carolyn brought them home and I moved their “home” to the main pasture–where we can keep a closer eye  on them.

We’ve heard there is a bear about in the neighborhood.  Although bears respect electric fencing well, perhaps he spooked the heifers to not.  Four days and counting, they are still home with no breakouts.   We can go about our business with some calm.

Heather and Phil Retberg and their three children run Quill’s End Farm, a 105-acre property in Penobscot that they bought in 2004. They use rotational grazing on their fifteen open acres and are renovating thirty more acres from woods to pasture to increase grazing for their pigs, grass-fed cattle, lambs, laying hens, and goats. Heather is Vice President of Halcyon Grange #345 and writes a newsletter for their farm’s buying club of farmers in her area and has generously permitted us to share some of their columns with Grangers. Visit the Quill’s End Farm Facebook Page for more information.

Junior Report — August 2024

By Betty Young
207 786-2120
Terry LaCombe Stevens,
207 356-2492

Our juniors recently had a camp at Highland Lake Grange. We were ably hosted by committee member Kathy Gowen, who arranged great activities, including games, a fire pit for roasting hotdogs, and marshmallows for s’mores. We also visited the nearby MSSPA in Windham, a rescue facility primarily for horses. We also made air-dried clay sculptures for the Big-E.

Our display at the Topsham Fair received a perfect score.

IMPORTANT—I need a list of your +1 junior members for my report to National Grange! Please send names either to Sharon or me as soon as possible. If you have junior-age youth (5-14) and want more information, let me know. Thank you.

Membership Moments – August 2024

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

As many of you know, I belong to the Maine Spirit of America Foundation and, in the past, have incorporated the procedures of this organization into Granges in order to potentially increase membership and make the Granges more visible to the public. Some Granges do pick their own recipients and have a ceremony honoring their choices. Spirit of America Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity established in Augusta, ME & it allows the Spirit of America Foundation Tribute to be presented in the name of any Maine municipality to a person, project, or group for their outstanding community service.  (See https://spiritofamerica.website for more info.)

Volunteerism is the topic, and most town selectmen throughout the State of Maine choose the nominees from their communities to receive the award. Many Granges and Grange members have received the Spirit of America award in the past, and there are many more that will in the future. The founder of the Foundation, Bruce Flaherty, who is a Grange member, contacted me, and we came up with some answers to the following question:

 “How could Grange get involved in Spirit of America?”

 Individual Grange members might suggest a person/project/group deserving consideration for the Spirit of America Tribute to their town’s Council/Selectboard Chair.

 A Grange might invite the most recent winner of its town’s Spirit of America award to a meeting to say a few words about their favorite volunteer cause. The Master/President might congratulate, thank, and pose with them for a photo to submit to newspapers.

Any Grange might celebrate ‘County Officials Appreciation Month’ (Sept.) by inviting a County Official (e.g., Commissioner, Sheriff) to speak to its group in September – a publicity opportunity for Grange!

 A Grange might celebrate ‘Municipal Officials Appreciation Month’ (Oct.) by inviting a Municipal Official (e.g. Selectman, Clerk) to speak to its members in October – Grange publicity opportunity!.

The Spirit of America Foundation created ‘County Officials Appreciation Month’ and ‘Municipal Officials Appreciation Month’ in gratitude to county and municipal officials for their help to its awards program over a period of many years.

The above have been done in some Grange halls with great success. Also, invite a Grange State Officer, Deputy, or Director to speak and be the emcee. I have done a number of these presentations at various Granges and on the State level at the Hall of Flags at the State House in Augusta. It is very easy to plan and to do. I would prefer your own Grange, Pomona, or Deputy do the honors. For more information or if you have questions, feel free to contact me. Thank you for everything Granges do to help the cause of volunteerism!

Remember, this is Fair season, so help your granges by contributing items for their Fair exhibits. Many Granges participate in showing off their harvests and talents at agricultural fairs, and there is money to be made for you. Many fairgoers look forward to visiting the Exhibition Halls and looking at the exhibits. Inquire at your grange how you can help. I have been involved with my Grange’s exhibits since I joined the Grange in 1985 and enjoy being a part of displaying our wares in a beautiful exhibit.

Remember, the State Grange session is coming in October in Auburn. Come receive your Sixth Degree and join in the camaraderie with your fellow Grangers. Become a Delegate or Alternate and learn much more about the Grange!

President’s Perspective – August 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

State Session is October   in Auburn. All paperwork and information has been mailed to the Secretaries and is posted on the website under “Program books and Information”. Remember, each Grange may have 2 delegates (they must be voted as delegates in your Grange meeting), and the quarterly Grange dues MUST be paid up to date for them to be able to vote. Any 4th-degree member may attend the session even if you are not a voting delegate. Our National Grange representative will be Barbara Foster, Pomona of the National Grange & Master/President of the West Virginia State Grange. 

Reports – Reports – Reports. That’s right, ALL Reports are due Individual, Subordinate, and Pomona:

Lecturer’s report and Book Reading lists to Melissa Baldwin. 

Community Service reports and books to Brenda Dyer.

Family Health & Hearing reports due to Brenda Dyer.

CWA reports to Margaret Henderson.

Pomona and Subordinate Roster information to the State Office was due by July 15th. Thank you to those who have submitted them — where are the rest of yours? Even if you had no changes, the report is to be sent in. We ask you to provide the Grange name & number, the physical street address and town of the Grange hall, which day or days and time. Let us know if there are refreshments or supper and that time. Also, the name, postal address, phone, cell phone (if they want it posted), and email (if applicable) of the Master, Lecturer, Secretary, and CWA (Committee of Women’s Activity) chair. Additional committee chairs may also be included on the back or a separate sheet for Agriculture, Legislative, Community Service, Family Health & Hearing, Junior, Youth, and Education. 

State Officers and Deputy’s Visitation reports are due to the State Master (standard mail or emailed) or get them to the office. 

State Officers — Lecturer, Chaplain, Treasurer and Secretary are expected to present a written report by Oct 1.  

Committee Chairs/Directors — Agriculture, Committee of Women’s Activities, Communications, Community Service, Family Health & Hearing, Educational Aid & Howes Nursing Scholarship, Fundraising, Junior, Legislative, and Membership are required to give a written report on your actives for the year, submitted to ME, State Master, by standard mail or email (email is easier for me, I can copy into the book). All of these reports will be compiled together and printed for approval by the delegates at the State Session. 

Directors, I need your 2025 Program Books, so those can be printed to be passed out at State Session. 

While I am talking about reports. I am still missing many updated membership lists. Please get them corrected and sent in. 

Androscoggin Grange Pancake Breakfast!

Come on out to visit our Androscoggin Grange #8 and have a delicious breakfast from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. on September 14, 2024, before the Greene Village Day Parade starts! The cost is $8.00 per person. Androscoggin Grange #8 is located at 99 Main Street, Greene, ME 04236.

Please contact: Rebecca Brooke at 207-653-2111 or androscoggin8grange@gmail.com for more information