Membership Moments – October 2024

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

When we are encouraging the community to join the Grange we need to understand what we are “selling”. How well do we know what the Grange stands for, and how do we portray those images to others? What do others want to hear? Encourage them to ask specific questions to satisfy their individual needs. Knowing the needs of a prospective new member makes it easier to answer their questions without being too vague or generic. For example, if someone is interested in the agricultural or community aspects of Grange, zero in on those areas, all the while gaining knowledge of the individual needs. Like a jigsaw puzzle, fit that piece into your plans for the growth of your Grange. Soon, your “puzzle” will show a picture and help you to make plans to steer the direction of your Grange. We have many Granges who focus on agriculture; others focus on community service and some balance the two. By listening to a prospective member, you will know how they fit into the “puzzle” and the growth of your Grange.

When seeking new members, use the lessons of the Grange to serve as a foundation upon which to build.  Understanding these lessons will make your search for new members easier as they hold valuable information in how you present yourself to the new membership.

Have FAITH. Believe that you are going to be successful in your membership drive. Keep a positive attitude and show others that you believe in your presentation to get them to join. First impressions are vital to your success.

Have HOPE. Go with the impression that success in gaining members will happen, and don’t give up. Of course, there will be rejections, but don’t let it get you down or give up. You just haven’t yet found the right “piece” of your “puzzle.” Be vigilant in your search, encourage your fellow Patrons, or make it a friendly contest that can bring in and keep the most members. Fun? Yes, it can be if you let it be.

CHARITY is important. Give of yourself when telling others about the Grange. Incentives such as helping the community, growing your own food, and explaining how the Grange helped you become a better person are music to the ears of prospective members. Even a small gesture, such as paying for their first year’s dues or a small welcome gift, is helpful.

FIDELITY is very important. The listener always notices your loyalty and devotion to your Grange. How you present yourself, your enthusiasm, and your positive energy are noticed and felt by the listener and will sway the decisions of many new members. Stay loyal in good times and not-so-good times. My pet peeve is when something doesn’t go their way, a member will threaten to quit or not come back. Haven’t we all heard this? If you love the Grange, then you will try to work out the problem, which leads to the last lesson, PERSEVERENCE.

There are always hurdles or problems we need to avoid or face to work out. Face them head-on, find a solution as a Grange, and respect everybody’s opinions and ideas. It will make you and your Grange stronger. In order to succeed, don’t we need to fail once in a while? PERSEVERE and overcome these challenges as a group. Keep the positive energy alive and smile.

With Faith and Hope I present these ideas with a Charitable attitude and showing my Fidelity to the organization. Certainly, these columns don’t always produce results, but my Perseverance holds strong and I continue to present ideas and suggestions to increase your memberships.

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