Valley Grange Welcomes New Members

Valley Grange is located in Guilford, Maine

Valley Grange is pleased to introduce and welcome our three newest members. Although they’ve been members for a few months, the recent “Obligation Ceremony” makes it official. The ceremony is actually quite mutual, with new members pledging to the organization and the organization making pledges to the members. The last step is called a “Friendship Circle,” during which all join hands and commit to the spirit of the 150+ year-old fraternal organization.

L-R New members Joyce Flanders from Dover Foxcroft, Elaina Fortier, and Matthew Fortier from Guilford.

“As we in form thus enclose you within a sacred circle, so does this Grange in the name of our noble and beneficent Order pledge to you a pure friendship, enduring through life to shield you from harm.”

Program Director Walter Boomsma notes that the Grange is uniquely positioned to provide connection, particularly after COVID created a lack of it. “We’re about a lot more than a face on a screen or a post on social media. Our potluck suppers are a great opportunity to ‘break bread together’ and be together in person, in spirit, and in conversation. In some ways, the work we do to strengthen our communities and rural living is a bonus.”

The ceremony was conducted by Valley Grange Master Jim Annis and Program Director Walter Boomsma.

The Valley Grange Hall is located at 172 Guilford Center Road on the corner of Butter Street but the Grange is more accurately described as “in the community,” For information about participating and joining visit the Valley Grange Website or Facebook Page. Better yet, talk to a member or join us for supper!

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