Ocean View Grange Serves

The Ocean View Grange No.463 in Martinsville, Maine, was formed in 1906 and completed building the Grange Hall in 1909. Since then, our Grange has been a major contributor to our community and serves as a venue for all types of family, community, and special occasions.  We are working to restore the Grange structure and integrity so that we may continue to help and provide for our friends and neighbors. Some of the programs, services, and opportunities we provide are:

1.        Road Clean-up—We adopt a road each year, and our members walk the route, picking up trash along the way, to keep St George beautiful. All residents of St George benefit from this task.

2.       Flag Day—Each year, Grange members meet at a local cemetery to place new American flags on the graves of our fallen servicemen and women. This event benefits the families and participants as it instills honor and pride in those who served us.

 3.       Heat Fund—We raise funds throughout the year via suppers, donations, etc., to provide fuel for St George residents who are unable to pay for fuel oil or other fuels for the winter. A few winters ago, we provided over $8,000 to supply fuel for those who needed it. This helps not only those who get the fuel but enhances the neighborly feeling of all St George residents, knowing we care for our neighbors.

 4.        Annual Donations—We raise food, supplies, etc., for the local Humane Society at our Christmas meeting, or, in some years, we adopt a local family and provide them with Christmas presents. The families or critters all benefit. In addition, we purchase and deliver a large number of personal items for the veterans at the Togus Veterans Hospital.

 5.       Facilities Donation—We donate the use of the Grange Hall at no cost for various Community programs, such as the library’s authors’ speaking series, the annual free string quartet presentation, fund-raisers for ill or needy people, Georges River Land Trust…etc. The Town citizens all benefit.

 6.       Farmers Market – Four years ago, we started a weekly farmers’ market at our Grange. There is no charge, and anyone who wants to sell their produce can set up a table. It has been a huge success, and the folks in town love it.

 7.       The Grange Hall is one of the few venues used for birthdays, family gatherings, wedding receptions, memorial services, bean suppers, flea markets, art shows, etc.

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