Communication Shorts 08-07-2024

By Walter Boomsma,
MSG Communications Director
207 343-1842

Communication Shorts are brief (short) but important items posted for your information and use. Send us your ideas and thoughts!

August Bulletin Deadline

Articles and columns for the August Bulletin are due on the 14th! Recent issues of the Bulletin can be found on the Program Books and Information Page.

Information Wanted: Winthrop Grange

We have made the 2024 National Grange Digest available directly from the MSG Website. It is listed in the National Grange Section of the Program Books and Information Page. This booklet will answer many of your questions regarding Grange Law and Practice.

Information Available: Castle Hill Grange

The Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society was formed in 1993 to save the Grange Hall in Castle Hill. We have now disbanded due to lack of funds and membership. We have some papers from Grange #260, which disbanded in 1976(?). If you would like any of these papers and certificates. you can contact me by email: Sheena McHatten

State Session Page is Available

A page dedicated to the 2024 State Session is now available with preliminary information. This will be a work in progress!

Many Contest Deadlines Are Coming Up

Get your entries in!

Consider this Idea!

Fall is a great time to celebrate the harvest! How will your Grange do that?

Think about this!

“So, the next time you visit a fair, take a moment to soak in the sights and sounds, to let your inner child run wild, and to appreciate the magic that surrounds you. Because in the world of fairs, anything is possible, and happiness is just a ride away.”


Submit News! Be “famous”

Submitting news can be as simple as a photo and “cutline.” A cutline is a brief description–longer than a caption–to accompany the photo. Let’s prove that the Grange is alive and well in Maine! (Photos should be submitted as an attachment to an email.) We get inquiries from people looking for active Granges!

Online Directories Available 24-7

  • The ODD Directory features all state officers, directors, and deputies with contact information.
  • The Directory of Granges features all Granges in the state with a contact person. Please make sure your listing is correct!

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