Membership Moments – July 2024

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

This year is the 150th anniversary of the Maine State Grange and some of the earliest numbered Granges. What a wonderful way to attract new members! I have attended a couple of anniversary celebrations, which were well-received and provided much history. Let’s advertise this important event to the public through social media, television, radio, and newspapers or by holding open houses to invite the community to see your hall.

Plan a community celebration, contact your local PBS television station to attend, and advertise in the local newspaper. There are many, many people who would enjoy a walk through your history and how your Grange has survived for 150 years. News media thrives on such content and would be very interested in publishing your information.  PBS has a show called “Maine Life,” which covers everything about day-to-day living in our beautiful state. They would surely be interested in televising the Grange anniversaries as they are a part of Maine life and have been for 150 years. This is a big chance to show off your successes and hard work and to educate others on how important Grange has been in Maine history and how it has affected the people of Maine. From Eliot to Presque Isle, from Fryeburg and Wilson’s Mills to Alexander and Perry and in between (especially along the entire coast), the Grange covered most of our State at one time. Even today, although we have fewer Granges, the traditions and rituals are mainly the same as 150 years ago, and some of these Granges are doing extremely well by being active and serving their communities. Our Halls signify a safe place for people to gather and were always considered the centerpiece or hotspot of rural communities.

Please continue to attract members as our future depends on it.  Have fun!

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