Fraternal Concern — Rolf Staples, Sr.

Submitted by Walter Boomsma, MSG Communications Director

It is my sad duty to inform you that Rolf Staples Sr. passed away on June 10, 2024, following a long illness. Rolf was a member of Bangor Grange and Old Town Grange, where he held numerous offices, including Master/President.

Rolf served as Deputy of the North Penobscot Pomona from 2006 to 2009 and on the Maine State Grange Membership Committee. He led numerous Degree Days and an Officer Installation Team. He and his wife Anne supported Granges in the area, including the Piscataquis Pomona. Rolf’s knowledge and understanding of “the Grange Way” was deep, and he truly loved the Grange. When Rolf said, “for the good of the Order,” you could trust it.

Cards of condolence and encouragement should be mailed to Anne Staples, 487 Grandview Avenue, Apt 202, Bangor, ME 04401

A service is scheduled on Sunday, June 23, 2024, at 1:00 pm, at the Essex Street Baptist Church in Bangor. A complete obituary is available here.

May the example of our Brother inspire us to persevere and
when we are called to lay down our implements here on earth, may we be reunited with all our Brothers and Sisters who have labored in His glorious cause. May we enter the Paradise not made with hands, eternal in the heavens and receive that welcome plaudit: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” We remember our Brother not as one dead – but as one gone on before us through the gates, where dwells the Great Master of us all.

Adapted from the Subordinate Grange Manual, 2023

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