Community Service/FHH – June 2024

By Brenda Dyer, MSG Community Service/FHH Director
(207) 608-9193

There has been some confusion and questions regarding our “Coups for Troops” Program. Some of this is because the official program was discontinued some time ago and we are now involved in the “TroopOns” program. We just haven’t changed the name until now!

Troopons is a program in which the Grange participates to help the military and their families.

  • Coupons must be manufacturer coupons only.
  • Coupons that have expired up to six months ago can still be used. 
  • There are four categories: food, non-food, baby and pets.

Group coupons in baggies and label on the outside of baggie:

  • Expired or unexpired
  • Category: food, non-food, baby, or pets
  • Number of coupons in the baggie
  • Dollar amount of coupons in the baggie
  • Please include an email address so troops/family can email thank you.

Send to Community Service Committee:
Brenda Dyer, Director
9 Marial Avenue
Biddeford, ME  04005

The Community Service Committee verifies and documents the baggies, then forwards them to Troopons. Troopons distributes the coupons to commissaries.

Learn more about Troopons here!

PLEASE Keep track of community service hours for each member and non-member involved in each project.


June is election of officers. Remember, “The office seeks the man and not the man the office.”

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