Membership Moments – April 2024

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

This year is the 150th anniversary of the Maine State Grange and many of the earlier established Granges, which were organized in 1874. I attended the 150th anniversary of Excelsior #5, the earliest of the surviving Granges. It was a great celebration with music, awards, a history presentation, a great meal (of course!!), and a wonderful attendance of both Grange members and non-members. Attendees were amazed to see the history of the Grange in that area and the changes that happened over the years.

 Hopefully, all Granges will have a tribute to the 150th Maine State Grange anniversary, as well as those who also will be celebrating this year. It is a great milestone; one we are proud of and willing to share with our communities. Advertise and be proud; let the word out and invite the public to celebrate with you. This is one of the best ways to attract new members! Plan your event with a neighboring Grange or with your Pomona. Don’t miss out on new membership; take action and open those doors!!!

I am excited to hear of the results of the two degree days in April. Remember, make sure all your members who are new or only had an obligation ceremony receive a chance to see the full degrees to enhance their knowledge of lessons and symbolism. The next one is April 21, beginning at 1 p.m. at the Maine State Grange Headquarters in Augusta and presented by Androscoggin Pomona.

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