CWA Report – March 2024

By Margaret Henderson, Director
Committee on Women’s Activities
207 948-2762

Committee on Women’s Activities

Happy Easter! Spring is just around the corner!

I hope that many of you have been working on entries for the contests.

I can’t wait to see them. Please don’t forget that your entries must be at State Grange Headquarters before August 20th in order to be logged in to be judged on August 23rd. The Conference will be on August 24th.  You may contact me or call Headquarters to make sure that someone will be there to accept your entries.

My Grange is getting ready for some events. We just hosted “Freedom Follies.”  A fun night of music and the talents of local people. A pancake breakfast, some bake sales, and maybe some other Community happenings.

Hope that everyone is staying healthy and safe.

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