Mill Stream Grange Gives Words

On February 1st, Mill Stream Grange members Lisa Goucher and Jill Sampson presented dictionaries to the two 3rd-grade classes at the Cape Cod Hill Elementary School. It was a lively group with much discussion about the different information included in the dictionaries. Sign language and the longest word were favorites with the students. 

Did you know the longest word in the dictionary has over 1900 letters in it!?

On January 31, Lisa Goucher (back row middle) and Jill Sampson (back on right) of Mill Stream Grange presented dictionaries to Mrs. Watkins’s third-grade class at the Mt. Vernon Elementary School. After discussing the page on sign language, the students stood to sign their own names to the class. All the students were very enthusiastic about the different information available in the dictionary. 

“Words for Thirds” is a signature program for the Grange. It provides third graders with their own student dictionary. To learn more, watch this short video!

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