President’s Perspective – February 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

The password ciphers were sent to the Grange Secretaries when the December Quarterly Report Forms were mailed. The keys to the password will only be mailed to the master’s when all dues are paid up to date, including the December 2023 Quarter. If you have not received your key, check with your secretary or our office to confirm your dues are paid in full. Sharon did tell me recently that not all dues are up to date. 

I must remind everyone of your Obligation to the Grange you took when you joined. It states in part, “ I will not knowingly wrong or defraud a brother or sister of the Order or allow it to be done by another if within my power to prevent it. I will endeavor to be a true and faithful Patron of Husbandry… Should I knowingly or willfully violate this pledge, I will invoke upon myself suspension or expulsion from the Order.”  I have had several calls from members in different areas to complain about the use of profanity during meetings and public events. There is no place in the Grange for the use of foul language, no matter what you feel the circumstances are. Whether in a meeting or around the kitchen, whether guests, new members, or non-members are present or not, it is not acceptable behavior. Maybe you normally talk that way; you feel it is just words, but it is offensive to others.  If you feel the need to talk like that, I would suggest you go to the bar or sporting event where you will fit right in. But even those places have rules and limits, and even those places where that talk is common, you would be asked to leave! I am sorry if you are offended by this message, but it needed to be said. Sadly, those who do the cursing won’t be the ones to acknowledge.    

After four years off, the Northeast Leaders Conference held in January was a big success, with 87 enthusiastic members attending. Introductions by State Masters/Presidents of those attending from their respective states. Maine was represented by Mike Griffin, MSG Overseer; Missy Baldwin, MSG Lecturer; Brenda Dyer, MSG Community Service & Family Health & Hearing Director; Brenda’s husband, Joe Fallo; and me. The Northeast State Masters/Presidents & Overseers/Vice Presidents (the Northeast Connection group) and New England Grange Building Trustees. Everyone attending could sit in on whichever meeting or break-out group they chose. 

The State Lecturers made plans for the Northeast Lecturers Conference, to be held June 21 – 23 at the Holiday Inn in Norwich, CT. This event is for all, not just Lecturers. Let’s support our State Lecturers and plan to attend. Details will be forthcoming.

The State Youth Directors started their plans for the NE Youth Conference hosted in NY July 19 – 21. I will share details when available.

 The NE Chaplains group decided to return to the Regional Church Sunday, similar to the ones in the past. This year, it will be held on July 27 at the VT Grange Camp, with family activities, games, and a potluck lunch. All are invited. Plans will be finalized soon.

The State Junior Directors and interested members met to discuss the craft for display at the Big-E in Sept at the New England Grange Building. The Junior craft for 2024 will be Crayola Model Magic.  The craft for 2025 will be Egg Carton Craft.

The Community Service, Family Activities, Women’s Activities, and others met as a large group, having good discussions on activities for their states and ideas all could try. Agriculture, Membership, Information/IT, and others also met during the weekend.

As the weekend progressed, interesting and helpful workshops were presented to the entire group: Harnessing AI to Our Advantage, Promoting the Grange in all Media, Leadership and Conflict Resolution, and Grant Writing.

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