Communications Column – February 2024

Considering Communications Hygiene

By Walter Boomsma
207 343-1842
Communications Director

“Bad noise crowds out good signal.”

Seth Godin

The concept of “communications hygiene” deserves some attention. Seth Godin is certainly not the first person to introduce it, but as usual, he gets our attention in his opening statement, “Attention is scarce.”(You can read the complete blog post here.)

Just how scarce is attention? I could offer the number of unanswered emails in my sent box. I know a few people who appear to no longer be checking their email. When technology made it easy (and basically free) to send an email, it didn’t take long for a lot of people to take advantage. One result of that is the amount of “bad noise” we get. I intentionally do not count, but I would estimate that I receive 200-300 email messages daily. Most of them are “noise” of little value.

I also don’t count how many times the telephones ring daily. Voice mail handles most of it–or at least the lack of messages filters out the “noise.”

Shall we talk about text messages? They are on the rise–several organizations I’m familiar with are now texting instead of emailing. For most people, texting creates a sense of urgency. Urgency is, however, different than importance.

Hygiene is about maintaining health and often involves cleanliness. Let’s take a look at the health of our communication systems and attempts. We may need to “clean things up.” As communicators (we all are), it’s important to remember that “attention is scarce” and may be getting scarcer.

First, what can we do to get attention? It’s become necessary to think twice about how we communicate. I can tell you with assurance that leaving a message for me on social media (Facebook) is the worst way to get my attention. But I know people who apparently live on social media, and it’s the best or at least fastest way to get their attention! So, it might make sense to consider what platform or media best suits the message you are sending. When initiating communication, it is important to think about the receiver’s preferences.

Second, can we at least not contribute to the “noise?” I have a friend who loves to forward emails. Admittedly, they’re usually relevant to my interests, but I’ve also often already received them from the original sender or someone else. I find myself instinctively clicking “delete” when I see his name in the “from” field. Remember, given the volume of emails I’m receiving, you only have a second or two to get my attention.

Third, we can use technology to our benefit–this could be an entire topic by itself. Most email programs have filters we can use, and we’re starting to see the same with phone calls and text messages. It’s important to realize that we each are dealing with huge volumes of communication and make sure we are prioritizing our attention in return. I have another friend who usually takes a few days to reply to my email. He keeps them as “unread” until he has time to think about his reply. If I have a question that needs a more immediate response, I make that clear in my email–or text him accordingly. This goes back to thinking about the receiver’s preferences.

It wasn’t so long ago that we didn’t have the options and choices that we do today. Instead of debating “good or bad,” that energy should go to choosing how we communicate thoughtfully and wisely.

► FACT: During the first week of February 2024, nearly 90% of website visitors were first-time visitors!

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