Technology Tip

MSG Communications Department

Here’s a discouraging word! As technology advances (including AI or artificial intelligence), everyone benefits–including the bad guys!

Stay vigilant with messages you receive.

As the bad guys discover new technology spam emails and text messages are on the increase. Think twice before hitting “unsubscribe.” Unless the email is from a legitimate organization (think commonly known names and national companies), do NOT “unsubscribe” by clicking the link in the email. If you “unsubscribe,” not only will most spammers not honor it, but they will also have confirmation that yours is a working email address. That makes it very saleable to other spammers. Using the “unsubscribe” link may actually increase the amount of spam emails you receive.

This morning (like most mornings), I received several bogus invoices, a few order confirmations for things I didn’t order, and one email allegedly from MSG Sherry asking for assistance with a matter of the utmost importance. Some junk gets automatically filtered, but typically the delete button gets quite a workout!

The best way to handle spam email is to use that handy-dandy delete button and not let it bother you. Don’t waste your time and energy!

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