Membership Moments – January 2024

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

This weekend (Jan 12-14) is the Northeast Leader’s Conference. Due to my own Grange and Pomona commitments. I was unable to attend. However, the Co-Director of the New Hampshire State Grange Membership Committee called and asked if I could send some concerns, thoughts, and ideas. As the initial thoughts were being put on paper, even more ideas started flowing. It was then realized that some of the suggestions required cooperation from all Granges and their members. We need new members, and we need all of us to take part. You will be notified when the results and decisions from the Leader’s conference concerning membership issues become available.

The first step in our new journey was mentioned in last month’s column. Please have someone read the Membership column from the Bulletin or the website so all can receive valuable information. It is very important that ALL members know what is going on, not only in Membership but also from the other committees. The column provides tips on adding new members and how to maintain them. I am also looking for additional committee members. The agenda is easy and fun. Also, all past columns are on the website. Please refer to the website for Grange events, State Committee and officer’s columns. You can also learn about traditions. It is a valuable tool for all members, and you are all encouraged to check it out.

Remember, keep your Grange Halls busy and active. Keep doing community events. Keep up the good work, and stay safe!!!

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