Junior Grange December Meeting Held

By Marilyn Stinson

Maine State Junior Grange #17 met at Danville Junction on December 16, 2023, for their monthly meeting and to work on a Community Service Project.

The Junior Salutation is: “Junior Grange Members will be true to each other and keep their pledge.”

Committee members helped fill the chairs as they opened the meeting the traditional way, then worked through the order of business, stopping now and then to explain or discuss a procedure for new people, and closed with the alternative way. The alternative is a shorter form.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, the kids learned that there is no punctuation between “one nation” and “under God.” It is all one phrase, and we shouldn’t pause at that point when we are saying it. Anyone having difficulty using God’s name can just omit it.

Many thanks to Kathy Gowen for helping us with our Junior Salutation. She remembers the hand clasp and crossing the arms and hands over our chests for it. Since we seldom say or do it, we have difficulty remembering it.

In 2023, we earned $547.00 in Fair Premiums (used for the trip to Niagara) and discussed possible themes for the coming year. The National Junior Grange theme for the coming year is ‘Corn,’ and we can do some crafts and print our learning experiences for displays. Maine State Lecturer’s Theme is ‘Hands,’ and we can easily follow that theme. We use the fair displays to explain and promote Juniors and our activities and give the kids an opportunity to show off their art and craft talents. Any poetry they’ve written goes to the State Lecturer by March 1st.

Director Betty brought material home from the National Session and, during the Lecturer’s Program, shared information with us. Also, for the Lecturer’s Program, Edith recited a poem she memorized called “Dragonette Prophesy” and sang a dragon song. The kids attending the meeting shared their “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” poster and song while Director Betty signed it. Ta Da!!! Good for them!

After closing, we went downstairs to make fleece scarves for the Lewiston Homeless. Other Juniors around the state can get together in their Granges and make similar scarves for the cold in their areas. Because we are so spread out, helping their local Community Granges with their services seems the easiest way to work out that problem. 

Our meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Saturday monthly, and our January meeting will be at MSG Headquarters in Augusta on January 20th.

Please let the Junior committee know about any +1 Juniors your subordinates have accepted. We need their contact information!

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