Promoting the Grange Is Fun!

Mill Stream Grange members Jill Sampson (l) and Lisa Goucher at the Grange table during the Mt. Vernon Craft Fair on Nov. 25.  Grange information was shared, a raffle for a wall-hanging was held, free kids books were passed out, and small handmade craft items were sold. It was a fun and successful day!
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Craft fairs may be an untapped market for Granges–not just to sell crafts but to “sell” the Grange! People interested in crafting are great candidates for getting involved in a Grange! Mill Stream’s participation in the Mount Vernon Craft Fair gets a lot of things right! Remember, fundraising in any form is also an opportunity to promote the good work you are doing as a Grange. It’s possible to raise money and members. Congratulations, Mill Stream Grange!

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