Ag Committee Report – 2023

By Wilma Grenier, MSG Ag Director
(207) 437-2099

I have enjoyed my time as committee chairperson and want to thank the loyal members for their dedication over the past two years! Each member of the group has contributed in their special way! As I step down, I want to thank you all!

In 2023, five scholarships were awarded, and as they finish their first semester and turn in their proof of successful completion to Sharon at the office in January, they will receive their checks for $500. These students are:

  • Lily Mae Jaffray from Blue Hill to study Pre-Veterinary Science.
  • Emma L. Alexander from Dexter to study Forestry,
  • Zachary Dean Skidgel from Newport to study Sustainable Agriculture,
  • Grace Cassandra VanBuskirk from Thomaston to study Pre-Veterinary Science,
  • Ashley Nicole Stubbs from Addison to study Animal & Veterinary Science.

Funds have been raised over $2,300 to replenish the fund due to the hard work of the volunteers at the Grange Store at Fryeburg Fair ($1,500), Committee volunteers at the MAITC Annual Meeting ($500), and raffles at the State Grange Session this fall. A big thank you to all the committee members who worked on these projects.

In closing, I would like to wish the new committee chair, Roberta Meserve, the very best of luck in the upcoming year! I am willing to remain on the committee if you would like, and look forward to helping with scholarships and judging at some fairs if still needed.

I know that Ag Trade Show is coming up on January 9 – 11. Sharon is working on
securing the booth. The scholarship applications go out to guidance councilors in January too. I can take on that job at the office if Roberta and Sherry wish.

Please let me know. So many thanks, everyone! As the air gets cooler, I am thinking about the holidays coming! All my best to you all and those you love!

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