2023 Resolutions Report

For the sake of brevity, only the resolves are listed. For additional information, contact the Legislative Director.

Nonsmoking National Grange Events, submitted by Bingham Grange #237

Resolved, when future sites for the National Grange Convention or National Grange-sponsored conferences are chosen, only sites will be considered that are totally non-smoking.

The Good of the Order Committee recommended this ought to pass, and the delegate body agreed.

Activate Cameras at Major Intersections, submitted by Androscoggin Pomona #1

Resolved, that the Maine State Grange support legislation to activate the cameras that are at intersections and install cameras wherever they are needed.

The Legislative Committee recommended this ought not to pass, and the delegate body agreed.

Automatic Lights on All Vehicles submitted by Androscoggin Pomona #1

Resolved, that the Maine State Grange support legislation that all new vehicles have automatic lights.

The Legislative Committee recommended this ought not to pass, and the delegate body agreed.

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